Bay Saint Thomas essential oil

The essential oil of pimenta racemosa

We present a little known oil, the essential oil of Bay Saint Thomas, also known as pimenta racemosa oil . It is a dark and very strong oil, which comes from far away, from a splendid bay in southern Jamaica and from other tropical areas of Central America, Dominica and the Virgin Islands; here grows a small tree of the Mirtaceae family, the pimenta racemosa, from whose leaves this precious liquid is extracted by distillation.

Its color is intense brown orange and the smell is particularly woody, with notes of green grass, cloves and lemon.

But be careful, the use is only external and should never be applied pure, it is dermocaustic! Let's get to know him better.

Hair: to each his own oil

Pimenta racemosa oil is particularly suitable for those who want to strengthen their hair, slowing it down, stimulating the bulbs and promoting their growth. It lends itself to being an excellent tonic for the scalp, in fact it has long been used to rebalance and improve the health of the skin.

The essential oil of Bay Saint Thomas stimulates and strengthens hair, especially thin or fine hair that tends to grease, also helping to eliminate dandruff .

You can create a customized shampoo even just by adding a drop of this very strong and effective oil to your usual detergent.

But be careful: as anticipated it should not be used pure . You can dilute in minimum percentage (a drop) in a carrier oil because, containing eugenol, it is irritating for the skin and, in sensitive subjects, it can cause allergies. It cannot be used on children under the age of 10, nor on pregnant or nursing women.

Bay Saint Thomas, aromatherapy for body and spirit

Saint Thomas oil is considered a special essential oil in aromatherapy, especially to alleviate painful states related to muscles, joints and joints. It would also be beneficial to provide relief when symptoms of bad weather occur, such as coughs and colds.

This is why in many cases it is found as ingredients in ointments to promote breathing, natural air purifying sprays or natural massage gels.

Its action is also expressed in the psychological field, in fact it is excellent to alleviate states of fatigue, anxiety, stress and to increase concentration, helping at the same time to overcome emotional blocks and fears. A few drops on a handkerchief can help give a positive turn to your day.

The cost? A 5 ml bottle of pimenta racemosa oil, or Bay Saint Thomas, pure has a cost ranging from about 3 euros upwards . Always be careful to make solid, certified and well-considered purchases; the advice is always to consult a specialist before use.

Curiosity: once upon a time the "Bay Rum" was widely marketed , a colony and after shave lotion made with rum and pimenta racemosa berries. With the advent of prohibition, its sale was then banned, then resumed in the following years.

Books to read : " Daily Aromatherapy: Transforming the Seasons of Your Life with Essential Oils " by Joni Keim, Ruah Bull.

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