Do you know supreme magnesium?

Magnesium Supremo® is a formula based on magnesium carbonate and citric acid which in magnesium becomes magnesium citrate.

Magnesium in citrate form, a highly assimilable formulation, which the body recognizes quickly, as it makes the plasma membrane permeable, ensuring rapid exchanges between nerve and muscle cells.

We find it on the market in powder to dissolve in water, it dissolves quickly and the drink has a pleasant taste.

The Magnesium citrate obtained in this way once it has reached the stomach begins its journey to rebalance the dispenser of well-being.

Properties of magnesium

Magnesium stimulates the production of more than 300 enzymes and participates in the metabolism of many basic nutrients, sugars, proteins, fats, carbohydrates. It is a fundamental regulator of calcium intake and absorption and together they coordinate the correct supply of electrolytes in the muscles, counteracting stiffness and cramps, often due to the lack of mineral salts, stress and fatigue.

Promotes the absorption of vitamins B, C, D, E, controls the acid-base gastrointestinal balance thus resolving constipation phenomena and helps to decrease the level of triglycerides in the blood.

A mineral against depression: magnesium

Magnesium, when needed

Our body launches SOS signals when we are in magnesium deficiency, especially in periods of high stress, fatigue and excessive heat, all situations that impoverish our reserve of mineral salts.

Let's look at some conditions that could be due to magnesium deficiency.

At the physical level:

  • Muscle cramps
  • Constipation
  • Headache
  • Cardiac arrhythmias
  • gastritis
  • Spinal pains
  • Bone fragility
  • Kidney stones
  • Fatigue
  • Insomnia


  • agitation
  • Depression
  • Mood swings
  • Asthenia

The right amount of magnesium favors a correct metabolic balance and the remission of disorders caused by its deficit.


Supreme magnesium ® , in the formula created by Natural Point Srl, has no contraindications and its formulation allows its use at all ages. A controlled dosage is recommended and only after medical consultation in case of renal insufficiency

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