Facial and cervical reflexology

Facial reflexology

Also known as Dien Chan or Vietnamese facial reflexology, this reflexology technique originates from Vietnam, thanks to the work of Bùi Quôc Châu, an acupuncturist doctor from the 1980s. But facial reflexology is not that recent: in fact, the patient's face operations were known in China and Japan as early as 5000 years ago. What are these interventions? Facial reflexology represents a specific method of zonal massage applied to the subject's face.

By massaging the reflex areas of the face, the facial reflexologist is able to treat disorders of organs and parts of the body. According to reflexology, in addition to the nervous system and the meridian system, our body is crossed by a reflexology path according to which each stimulus is followed by an organic response . Each part of the body would therefore reflect the whole body and each point corresponds to a point reflected in a specific area of ​​the skin.

Good face to bad habits

In the face there are our habits, our physical form, our state of health. In other words, our history and our daily life. Facial reflexology is very useful in the treatment of some common disorders such as the cervical. Cervical pain is almost always a sign of bad habits or incorrect behavior : it becomes acute when we are stressed, it does not give up if we spend hours in front of the computer, it torments us when we feel oppressed by a person or a situation.

Facial reflexology is able to fight cervical pain, contractures, muscle pain and movement difficulties affecting the joints. According to the precepts of Dien Cham facial reflexology, the vertebral column corresponds to the nose line . Touching the mentioned areas also acts on other points of the body where the contractures due to cervical pain accumulate more easily. If the treatment alone is not enough, you can combine specific exercises for cervical pain or continue the treatment even in sleep, using special ergonomic pillows designed specifically for those suffering from cervical pain.

How is cervical treatment treated with facial reflexology?

A facial reflexology exercise for the cervical

In your hands there is the weapon against cervical pain. How to use facial reflexology for the cervical?

We propose a simple exercise here.

The movements must be performed with the knuckles of both hands simultaneously. Touch the upper edge of the forehead and the hairline, from the center to the end, with small vertical movements.

Continue going down with the same movement, vertically, near the ears. Work around the nose with the same movements, both near the nostrils and along the line of the nose. From the nose trace two curved lines that separate following the eyebrows. The movements must be repeated 30 times . Breathing during the performance should be relaxed and deep, following the movements and lines of the gesture. It should be thought of as a real self-treatment which is used every day, until the blocks and contractions are broken up.

On the other hand, we always have our fingers close at hand and there's no need to put your nose out of the house!

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