Melancholy? Try the yoga of laughter!

The most consolidated trend in the evolution of yoga in the West is one that sees a gradual, but inexorable, shift of the discipline towards increasingly "gymnastic" and less introspective variations: the acroyoga, the power yoga, the yogilates all go in this direction .

Therefore, the type of yoga that we are about to present to you is given particular attention: now almost at the end of its twentieth year, here is the yoga of laughter!

From an intuition to the methodology: how laughter yoga is born

Laughter yoga is therefore not a recent type of yoga, but it is certainly less known than its "fitness-style" relatives and, unlike the latter (in most cases), it was not given birth by fashionable instructors, but is the result of research by the Indian doctor Madan Kataria.

The assumption of his intuition lies in the fact that the brain does not distinguish between authentic laughter and "forced" laughter so as to react to both in the same way: in other words, between the laughter that comes when we listen to a funny joke or when we see a comedy film and the one we draw on our faces looking at ourselves in the mirror, for our brain, there is no difference.

So why not take advantage of this mode in order to get the benefits of real rice through self-induced rice ? The doctor puts this reflection into practice and organizes real meetings to implement it. This is how laughter clubs are born and, with them, the systematization of a methodology that is called "laughter yoga".

But the initial difficulties are inevitable: if crying is (relatively) easy, laughter is another story. How do you "force" yourself to laugh? What makes us laugh? How to overcome the inevitable embarrassments that this proposal by dr. Does Kataria take with her?

Treat autumnal melancholy with herbal remedies

Laughter yoga class

The official website of the yoga of laughter helps us to understand how these cheerful classes are articulated. First of all we start with some disinhibition and funny exercises, like talking "gibberish" (making meaningless sounds) or clapping and vocalizing ho, ho, ha, ha.

The heart of the lesson is the so-called " laughter exercises " directed and guided by the teacher who provides the necessary information from time to time. Breath control, stretching, meditation and final relaxation are all elements that recur frequently in the lesson.

This yoga methodology would bring significant benefits, both physically and mentally: it is an excellent antistress, oxygenates the blood, stimulates the immune system and respiratory functions .

It has its value in improving interpersonal relationships because it acts on one's own mental attitude, helping to deal with situations more lightly to the advantage of the relationship with oneself and with others. Implicit the benefits on the mood and the feeling of joy that this discipline brings in itself and gives those who practice it.

A discipline that brings us into play

As is clear from this brief introduction, we are faced with a practice that defining "yoga" is a bit risky, at least in the most immediate meaning of the term (in fact, not surprisingly, a section of the site is used precisely to explain the combination). In any case, it undoubtedly has no contraindications and is suitable for all ages .

I find very interesting the studies that support the scientific validity of this method as well as the philosophy at its base that urges us to look at life with greater positivity despite the dark age in which we live: the motto of the laughter clubs is in fact “ pretend up when it is not real ", that is, explains the site" Imagine the chemistry of happiness, until it is real ".

Without arriving at irrational or fideistic exaggerations, actually learning to change perspective is often very useful, especially if you are able to grasp the luminous sides of existence.

However, it is equally true that, in my opinion, not everyone is inclined or willing to put themselves at stake as much as this activity requires: both because of shyness, character, personal inhibitions, many may find themselves in difficulty when faced with a methodology that strongly urges to get out of their own "comfort zone" and to face many inhibitions. This confrontation with oneself can be challenging and exciting, but it is not necessarily frustrated.

Has this article intrigued you and you want to try to let yourself go? Here are the various laugh clubs in Italy. If instead you are undecided ... try to think that: " Who has the courage to laugh is master of the world " ...

For those interested, below you will find many interesting videos about laughter yoga!

Autumn melancholy? Some other practical advice to chase it away

The benefits of yoga on mood

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