Spring fruits and vegetables

In spring we savor the pleasure of living in the open air, of walking wrapped in a pleasant warmth and of observing the nature that flourishes in all its colors.

A true idyll if it were not that with spring there are disorders such as tiredness, exhaustion, depression, allergies, asthma and digestive difficulties ...

The organism is still tried by temperature changes and cold suffered in winter.

If we then add the feasts of feasts and the various medicines taken to fight cold and flu one thing is certain: our body, just like nature in spring, needs to regenerate, detoxify and purify itself, recovering energy and health.

Nature is a powerful ally in terms of well-being and gives us, even in spring, delicious and nutritious products. Thanks to a diet based on seasonal fruits and vegetables we can find the perfect shape.

Spring: seasonal fruit and vegetables

Fruit and vegetables in season, maintain their nutritional properties entirely and the benefits to our health are enormous. Paying attention to the seasonality of fruit and vegetables means eating fresh produce, grown in the sun and not inflated with water in greenhouses.

In seasonal vegetables, vitamins and minerals are not lost, the taste is tastier and the cost is much lower than for off-season products. What are we waiting for to make new recipes with the delicious spring fruits?


Apricots : excellent to be eaten fresh but also dried and in syrup, they are fruits rich in vitamins and trace elements. The apricot has a high content of beta-carotene, useful for the production of vitamin A, really valuable to combat the typical seasonal ailments: tiredness, exhaustion and depression.

Cherries : the properties of these delicious fruits are so many: they help those who suffer from hypertension and those who have heart problems, they facilitate intestinal activity and diuresis and seem to be even painkillers . Great allies of the skin, they preserve its beauty and stimulate the tan. Perfect for finding balance and energy for their detoxifying properties.

Strawberries : delicious to be eaten in fruit salad, with cream or natural, they are a source of vitamin C and have diuretic effects . Strawberries help fight spring disorders as they are detoxifying and purifying. Do not underestimate the effect they have on mood thanks to the stimulation of serotonin, a great natural help in a season that can lead to depression problems.


Garlic : a precious health ally for its numerous therapeutic properties. Combats cardiovascular problems, reduces blood pressure and cholesterol. Also known for its action against infections : it has an antibacterial function on the respiratory tract, antifungal and antiviral.

Asparagus : thanks to its high potassium content, it is a very useful food for the heart and muscles. They have diuretic effects and are rich in vitamin A, manganese, phosphorus and folic acid .

Lettuce : rich in water, it has a refreshing, digestive and mineralizing action. Valuable source of vitamins A and C and mineral salts such as potassium, phosphorus and iron .

Spring: the seasonal recipe

With all the fruit and vegetables that this season offers us, it is easy to find many healthy and tasty recipes. Here is a recipe that tastes of spring and dresses in the colors of a flowery field: risotto with asparagus and strawberries .


> 150 g of rice,

> 8 strawberries,

> 200 g of asparagus,

> white wine,

> shallots,

> chives,

> vegetable broth,

> extra virgin olive oil,

> salt and green pepper.


Heat the chopped shallot with olive oil in a rather large pan. Add the rice toasting it a minute and add the white wine. Add the chopped asparagus to the rice and add salt, chives and green pepper. Cook the rice adding the stock gradually, stirring occasionally. Towards the end of cooking, add the chopped strawberries and let it mix for at least a couple of minutes. Use a fresh strawberry cut into wedges to decorate the dishes before serving.

With this recipe you will delight the palate of your guests with a truly original combination of flavors and colors!

By Stefania Puma

To know more

> Vitamins and their properties

> Foods and their properties

> Minerals and their properties

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