Psychosomatic reading of cervical osteoarthritis

I often talk to people who may be suffering from years of cervical arthrosis or cervicoarthrosis: this is a degenerative disease that affects the cervical area; the cartilage present between the vertebrae wears and over time causes the joint to become blocked.

The most common symptoms may be: localized pain in the neck, headache, heaviness in the shoulders, dizziness, nausea, visual disturbances and ear buzzing. A common symptom, present at the beginning of the degenerative process, is cervical noise: when you move your head you feel the sensation of having sand crunching behind your neck.

The feeling of having the neck tied and heavy is also a signal that indicates a beginning of cervicalgia: the neck is symbolically a point of passage, what is born inside our brain, passes through the neck and then turns into action. The neck then connects us from the world of thoughts to that bodily terrain.

We can say that cervical pain is typical of unidirectional, rigid, extremely precise people, I would even say unable to grasp everything that happens around them. These characteristics are generally common to all people with this condition.

Every deformation that the cervical tract undergoes has a clear symbolic meaning, let's see it together:

Neck forward: is formed, when one is too oriented towards the future, the vertebrae tend to go forward; those affected do not allow themselves truces, they never seem to stop, they live in a very hectic way.

With the paradox: in this case the column reverses its concavity, it happens in people forced to do what they don't want to do, that is the exact opposite; in these people something in their daily life is not right.

Short or neckless neck: the vertebral column is shortened, the vertebrae reduce their space; frequent in people who have to carry big emotional weights on their shoulders, they find themselves charged with responsibility, which in reality they would willingly do without.

These are very important and very useful symbolic meanings, in order to be able to intervene on the origin of the disorder, therefore on the emotional discomfort, which over time unleashed it.

Personally as a flower-therapist, I have witnessed and am witnessing many cases of improvement and healing, after having begun a path of change and personal growth with the help of flower essences: working precisely on emotional disharmonies, they are going to get excellent improvements also on the physical plane.

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