Hemorrhoids, a help from yoga

In all likelihood very few think of yoga when they are disturbed by hemorrhoids just as it is difficult for them to ask their teacher for advice to deal with this issue.

Partly rightly, given that this discipline does not intervene in case of acute pain. However, she can be entrusted with the task of prevention and relief, which is always fundamental and never negligible.

Let's see how together!

A specific asana for hemorrhoids

The most recommended positions in the case of hemorrhoids are those upside down . It is well known, however, that they are also the most problematic for the majority of the students, especially as regards the position on the head.

We will therefore move towards a simpler asana, although not necessarily within everyone's reach. If you already master it or have practiced it, the instructions we will provide can help you in individual practice. If, on the contrary, you have never assumed it, we advise you to do it only in the presence of the yoga teacher who knows how to prepare your body to accept this posture.

We are talking about Sarvangasana, often called colloquially the position of the candle .

  1. It starts supine with the legs extended and the arms next to the body and the palms of the hands turned downwards.
  2. Bend the knees and bring the thighs into contact with the stomach. Lift the hips and place them on the palms of the hands flexing the elbows.
  3. Exhale, straighten the chest until it is as perpendicular as possible to the floor supported by the hands. The chin should touch the sternum. When this position has become stable, stretch your legs upwards and maintain the asana.

The position will melt slowly and gradually following the path just described in reverse.

Discover also homeopathic remedies against hemorrhoids

Not just asana for hemorrhoids

In addition to the positions, so-called mudras, or gestures or positions of the hands or body with specific purposes, are part of the yoga repertoire.

Very well known are some hasta mudras (hand mudras), the less well known ones involving other body areas.

For the prevention of hemorrhoids it can be useful to regularly practice ashwini mudra, also known as the mare mudra : it consists in the contraction of the anus and the sphincter muscles while sitting, if possible cross-legged; it can be performed either at the rhythm of the breath, or, more simply, by contracting the area for a few moments and then releasing.

This exercise has the enormous advantage that can really be practiced anywhere and at any time. At first it may seem a little difficult or unusual, but it is only a matter of getting used to. In a short time, you will be at ease and will be absolutely natural.

Also try aloe vera gel to alleviate hemorrhoid disorders

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