Herbal tea for healthy eyes

The eyes are sense organs, equal and symmetrical, placed in the front part of the skull.

Connected to the encephalon by the optic nerves, by 30 Meibonium glands and by the lacrimal glands, the eyes are very delicate and, for this reason, may be affected by various disorders.

Let's find out the most common and how to prepare an herbal tea to have cured .

The most common eye disorders

There are several disorders that can affect the eyes and eyesight. Among these, the most common are undoubtedly:

  • myopia : difficulty in distant vision;
  • hypermetropia : distant objects appear as a confused image;
  • astigmatism : it is a defect of focus;
  • presbyopia : forces us to use glasses to see "up close";
  • the cataract : progressive loss of transparency of the lens.

What are natural eye drops and how are they used?

Blueberry, useful for the eyes

Blueberry ( Vaccinium Myrtillus ) is a shrub-like plant of the Ericaceae family, with oval or elliptical leaves, pinkish-white hanging flowers, and berries-like fruits.

It is possible to use more parts of the blueberry, not only the fruits, but the leaves or meristematic parts, all rich in phytocomplexes, usable in different fields.

The berries of the blueberry, in particular, contain many organic acids, sugars, tannins, pectin, vitamins A, C and, to a lesser extent, vitamin B.

The anthocyanins present are able to inhibit the activity of some enzymes that destroy the collagen and elastic tissues of the capillaries and vessels of the circulatory system. In addition, they promote and increase the speed of regeneration of the retinal purpura (rhodopsin) of the eyes, which is the pigment of the retina, essential for vision in low light conditions, sharpening sight especially in the evening, when there is little light.

The blueberries, therefore, are really effective to prevent macular degeneration, hypermetropia, cataract or myopia.

Beautiful eyes with the cornflower

Blueberry herbal tea for eye health

Characteristics: it is good for the skin and eyes, thanks to the content of vitamin A. Blueberries can be really effective to prevent macular degeneration, hyperopia, cataract or myopia.

Recipe: pour 1/4 liter of boiling water on 1-2 teaspoons of dried leaves and chop, let stand 10 minutes, then strain.

Use: drink 1 cup 2-3 times a day or use fresh herbal tea for rinsing.

Properties: astringent, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant.

Find out what the vitamins are for giving wellness to the eyes

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