Rosa mosqueta, the oil for stretch marks

Stretch marks, because they are formed

There are several reasons why the much hated and feared whitish streaks, the stretch marks, form on the body. This skin blemish, which affects both men and women, can appear from an early age and can be caused by various factors: hormonal - for example, cortisol deficiency - constitutional, but also linked to an unbalanced diet and a too sedentary life, as well as pregnancy or smoking or alcohol abuse.

It just happens that the elastic fibers of the skin weaken and break, thus forming scars that also involve the dermis . These signs are initially reddish or purple, but over time they tend to lighten, becoming white or gray.

Breast, outer thighs and buttocks, hips, abdomen : these are the areas usually affected by stretch marks .

Rosehip oil and stretch marks

The fibers that make up the connective tissue are collagen and elastin, and these are the ones that, when they break, create stretch marks. Rosehip oil, pure and strictly cold pressed, has always been considered one of the most effective products for combating them and curbing their formation.

Originally from South America, especially from Chile, this precious oil comes from a particular rose, similar to dog rose, and in particular from red rose hips, those rose berries also known as false fruits.

Rosehip oil is so effective in fighting stretch marks precisely because it contains many precious elements: polyunsaturated fatty acids (Omega 3 and Omega 6), antioxidants, vitamin E, vitamin A in the activated form of retinol, and phytosterols.

Not only that, its precious composition also makes it suitable for preventing and attenuating wrinkles and scars, acne, chapped hands, as it helps to reform the intracellular lipid material necessary for the epidermis protection functions.

How to use rosehip oil

It is easily found in herbal medicine stores that sell natural and online products. It doesn't come cheap : generally a 15ml bottle costs around 20 euros.

To fully enjoy the benefits of this rich oil, the best thing is to put a few drops in your hands and massage thoroughly for a few minutes on the affected areas, even better if with wet skin, just finished bathing or showering.

Rosehip oil can only be used, diluted in other carrier oils or specific for the skin or in moisturizing creams . It should be stored with care, in the dark and not above 20 ° C.

How to prevent stretch marks

To avoid the appearance of these unsightly white marks, in addition to always keeping the skin well elastic and hydrated, both from the outside and from the inside, it is essential to avoid the classic situation of weight in yo-yo, with pounds that come and go in short time.

Fibers, natural antioxidants, fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin C and whole grains are basic foods for dermis health and skin tone. Last but not least, doing constant exercise, toning the muscles and drinking more than a liter of water a day is a really good habit that can help you avoid the formation of stretch marks.

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