Seasonal change anxiety, how to relieve it with valerian

The organism and the change of season

Some animals go into hibernation, the trees lose their leaves, the earth cools down: the passage from one season to another involves small upheavals even for the human organism. What happens to the body?

First of all the pituitary gland, located at the base of the skull, during the passage from the warm season to the cold season, begins to increase the production of ACTH, better known as " stress hormone ".

This hormone then triggers an increase in anxiety, which in turn brings with it a decrease in the production of endorphins, chemicals that cause well-being and help relieve pain. But ACHT and endorphins are not the only hormones called into question: melatonin starts to run low and the production of serotonin, the "happiness hormone", also decreases.

So it happens that states of tension occur where irritability or nervousness prevails, and disorders ranging from insomnia to fatigue, headaches and even depression .

With the decrease of endorphins, physical exhaustion is perceived more, while the feeling of fatigue creeps also at a skeletal level, in fact the joint and lumbar pains increase. In addition, the cold often brings with it digestive and intestinal difficulties, breathing difficulties, such as rhinitis, asthma or other lung disorders.

Valerian, a precious herb

If you begin to recognize some of the symptoms listed above, it means that you are probably suffering from the seasonal transition . Good thing is therefore to arm oneself with natural instruments that can help the body in this transitional phase, products such as plants and herbs that do not act aggressively.

In this regard, we can say that valerian is one of the most suitable herbs : the substances contained in it make the body, nerves and brain relax softly. The sedative properties are in fact contained in the root of the plant, with its not too pleasant smell, rich in essential oils, alkaloids and flavonoids; in particular, thanks to the action of valerianic acids and iridoids, the excitability of neurons in the nervous system is inhibited, thus inducing the body to relax, calm and positively receive sleep waves.

This mechanism also leads to muscle relaxation, particularly smooth muscles, relieving spasms and tensions and preventing annoying abdominal or intestinal cramps.

How to take valerian

Herbal tea or infusion, drops of mother tincture, tablets: valerian can be taken in various ways, depending on the need and convenience of use.

  • Valerian herbal tea ; ingredients for two people: a tablespoon of valerian root, two cups of boiling water, honey to taste. Bring the water to a boil in a saucepan, put the valerian, bought by the trusted herbalist, turn off the heat and cover. It is left to infuse for about 10 minutes and can be sweetened with a teaspoon of honey before going to bed. Valerian can be very well associated with other herbs or plants, creating relaxing and relaxing composite teas, simply by adding a pinch of chamomile, hawthorn, passionflower, lemon balm, hops or poppy.
  • Mother tincture of valerian . Put 15 to 30 drops of mother tincture in a glass of water, mix and drink before going to bed. Before starting a treatment with valerian mother tincture it is always good to consult your doctor, naturopath or trusted herbalist. In general, drops can also be taken two or three times a day, preferably at the same time, just do not exceed 50 drops per day.
  • Natural valerian tablets . Usually these are valerian tablets or capsules made with dry extract, which can be purchased in herbal medicine. You can take one or two capsules a day, again after consulting a doctor or an expert, usually 30 minutes before bedtime.

Be careful not to overdo it

Even if it is considered a mild, relaxing natural, the consequences of the bad intake of this vegetable should not be underestimated. High doses of valerian can also hurt your health: for example, cases of tachycardia or neurological disorders, headache, dizziness or high blood pressure have occurred: never exceed the recommended doses therefore.

It is also not recommended during pregnancy and breastfeeding, as there are no reliable data on its effects. Also suitable for children, especially if they are under 6 years old. Valerian should not be used in conjunction with barbiturates, tranquilizers or other sleeping pills.

Attention to prolonged use : should not be taken for more than four consecutive weeks; do not take it before getting behind the wheel. It is always good to consult your trusted naturopath or treating doctor.


The name of the plant, "Valeriana Officinalis" comes from the Latin word valere, meaning "be healthy", "strong".

Much loved by cats, so much so that it is also called "grass of cats", the valerian that is used in herbal medicine is often confused with the nearby relative called valerianella, formentino or songino, excellent in salads, but which does not have the same relaxing properties.

In reality there are hundreds of valerian species, which grow in wooded and humid areas, already known since ancient times by Greeks and Romans; in the Middle Ages, the medicinal plant was considered an effective remedy against various disorders of neurological origin; the same scientist, botanist and naturalist Fabio Colonna, at the end of the sixteenth century, used to cure epilepsy and tremors thanks to this plant.

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