When dogs do yoga it is Doga

To explore the Doga, let's start first with those points of contact that bring the practice closer to the spontaneous and natural positions that dogs take.

Yoga and Doga: two planets very close

Adho Muksha Svanasana is the upside down position of the dog. Adho mukha means "to stay with the head down", while Savana means "dog" in Sanskrit. It is a position that offers the opportunity to observe the effects induced on the spine by the stresses transmitted by the arms and legs.

The position is reversed, the support is in the arms, the hands sink into the ground. To execute it, start from a neutral position or axial extension of the column, flexing the glenohumeral joint, or that of the shoulder, and that of the hip, then elbows and knees relax.

To understand having a less anatomical and more sympathetic idea, just look at the dogs when they stretch, bringing the hips back and the muzzle forward towards the ground.

There is another position, Urdhva Mukha Svanasana, which means position of the dog with the head up ( Urdhva means to stand up, to aim upwards). The legs are stretched out against the floor, the arms support and the head goes backwards.

Look at how some dogs perform when they seem to bark at the moon or the sky.

Discover the ZUU training that is inspired by the positions of animals

Why the Doga?

In addition to the positions of yoga, the Doga provides breathing and massage techniques to transmit calm and security to the animal and vice versa, to the owner. The well-being is two-way . A relationship of complicity develops, an occasion of recirpoco nourishment is created, meaning by nourishment those experiences that enrich.

In the Doga visual contact is very important; some exercises involve intense exchanges of gaze between dog and master, a sort of silent and exploratory meditation, done with open eyes, facing the dimension of another creature.

The risk, as in many other situations, is to force. Forcing the animal to do something or strive without a real purpose, for the sake of self - satisfaction and perhaps show some position to friends. It will be a fashion like many others in the field of body disciplines, but also the Doga has, wanting to look for it, a deeper sense: sharing . When you are dedicated to a practice of a certain type, it will be natural to live it together with the creatures with whom you share life.

In addition to the practice in the strict sense, a dog can be a faithful depositary of the master's confessions on the practice : doubts on progress, research on the right breath, difficulties in the execution of certain positions and sensations in other asanas .

Useful resources on Doga, yoga for dogs

On the web there are interesting resources on Doga, yoga for dogs:

  • Photo Gallery Doga de La Repubblica

    A series of shots stolen in a Hong Kong gym with owners and dogs caught in positions that are good for both

  • Dog Yoga poses & Positions

    A complete series of videos in English dedicated to Doga, yoga for dogs, to be followed to involve your dog in practice

  • A video of dog and mistress immersed in yoga; watch how they slide from one asanas to another, how delicately the Brazilian instructor Andrea BrĂ¡s leads her Maya Border Collie

How to cure the heat stroke of your animal friends

To know more:

> The natural health of animals through naturopathy, phytotherapy and nutrition

> How to cure the heat stroke of your animal friends

> How to cure dog osteoarthritis?

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