Magnetite: all the properties and benefits

Magnetite: description

Mineral class: oxides.

Chemical formula: Fe3O4 + Al, Co, Cr, Ni, Ti, V

Magnetite is an oxide whose presence of iron is equal to 72% of its weight. It has a granular appearance and appears in shapeless black-gray clusters with metallic reflections.

Magnetite : element

Earth : the earth element concerns the sphere of stability and well - being (peace, balance, fertility, money).

Magnetite: chakra

First Muladhara chakra ("Root")

Read also: All stones and crystals

Magnetite : mythology

The name derives from the city of Magnesia ad Sipylum, near Mount Sipilo in Asia Minor, where it was found in large quantities at the time of the ancient Greeks, who were already aware of the phenomenon of magnetism.

Many other ancient civilizations knew of the existence of magnetite, such as the Assyrians and the Egyptians, and made a therapeutic use for treating neuralgia, cramps and headaches.

Magnetite: effect on the body

Magnetite is a healing stone used mainly for joint pains, headaches, back pain and wounds in general. Stimulates the energy of the body starting from the sacral base along the spine and gives an immediate relaxing and vitalizing effect .

Magnetite: effect on the psyche

Magnetite is a stone of attraction for friendship and love .

Magnetite is used to overcome the contrasts in relationships favoring communication and its main function is to appease anger .

It is linked to the earth's magnetic field and therefore connects with the energies of the earth and gives a sense of belonging to the material reality of things: it is indicated for those who have their heads in the clouds.

Increases will power and increases self-esteem.

Magnetite: method of use

Magnetite must be discharged often under running water.

To obtain lasting effects on a spiritual level it is advisable to always carry the magnetite with you in close contact with the skin but for short periods. At home, when there are tense situations, you should put a magnetite in the room where you live more to dampen excesses and regain your balance.

As far as physical therapy is concerned, the stone can be placed directly on the painful part of the body to get the best results, especially when it comes to hands and feet. It is absolutely contraindicated for those suffering from heart.

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