Polarity, description and use

Polarity is a method of global energy care that acts on the physical, mental and spiritual level of the subject. Let's find out better.



What is polarity

Polarity means a natural and global treatment method based on traditional healing systems of different cultures. The therapeutic aspect of polarity is based on the postulate that energy is at the base of all that is manifest, starting from the ideas to the realization of them in the subject. In man, energy manifests itself in the form of thoughts, feelings and, in its densest form, in the physical body. Energy is life and one can directly experience it in pairs of polarity like "hot-cold", "male-female", "immobility-movement". The energy that travels and circulates between two poles, positive and negative, in an electric field allows change and, consequently, life. Without polarity there would be no differences, no reflection, no sensations or sensorial perceptions.

As in many traditional medical systems, when energy circulates freely between the poles, harmony, order, unity and a sense of completeness are perceived. On the contrary, fears, traumas and shocks establish a block of a part of the energy that therefore stagnates, thickens and no longer flows. The continuation of these blocks generates energy nodes that find expression on the physical plane in feelings of malaise, pain and real diseases. The goal of polarity is to restore and maintain a free circulation of vital energy between the poles .

Benefits and contraindications

Polarity is therefore a global treatment method that acts on the physical, mental and spiritual level. A polarity session is able to relax, calm the pain and support the evolution of the person towards a greater well-being, even existential. The subject trains himself to a deep attention and perception of himself and of his surroundings. Through polarity, self-healing powers and a sense of responsibility towards oneself are stimulated. The polarity treatment is therefore beneficial and constitutes a preventive measure for both adults and children. The energetic imbalances of a subject can present themselves in the form of pain, tension and sleep disturbances, stress, exhaustion, emotional burdens, psychosomatic disorders and serious illnesses. The benefits of polarity materialize in the struggle and resolution of such situations. It is important to underline that polarity does not replace either clinical examinations or pharmacological treatments.

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For whom polarity is useful

Based on the energy anatomy, the polarities and the energy patterns of the human body, the polarity operators can therefore perceive tensions, blockages and imbalances in people's energy flow. Through manual contacts ranging from touch to deep touch, the polarity operators unlock the energy and the accumulated tensions. This creates a new energy balance that brings with it a deeper well-being. People are encouraged to consciously perceive and formulate their experiences, whether they are physical sensations or feelings, inner images or memories. This operation allows to find the origin of certain sufferings and favors the progressive recovery from traumas and repressed experiences. With polarity, people learn to know each other better and to understand each other in depth. With their active participation, they take their lives into their own hands, develop greater self-confidence and become more responsible.

The law in Italy and abroad

In addition to practicing specialists and teachers, polarity therapy can be used by various specialists, including osteopaths, chiropractors, neurologists, Shiatzu and Reiki operators, psychologists, masseurs, acupuncturists, acupressure and foot reflexology operators. The American Polarity Therapy Association is the US body that deals with drafting standards and regulations for international discipline. Information and curiosities can be found on Polarity Network and on Polarity TV. There is also an Italian site dedicated to polarity therapy.

Curiosity about polarity

Randolph Stone is the name of the one who developed the therapeutic work of polarity. He studies and practices chiropractic, osteopathy, naturopathy and neuropathology. During the study of these western healing methods, he did not find answers to certain questions that were particularly close to his heart, such as: " What is behind the symptom? ", " Where is the primordial source of life? ", " What are the determinants of health and disease? ". His research path led him to study some traditional cultures and their healing arts. His attention was particularly drawn to Ayurvedic medicine (India), Chinese acupuncture and Egyptian medicine (Hermeticism).

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