Hair, homeopathic natural remedies

By Dr. Francesco Candeloro

In this section we will address the problem of hair, looking at all the possible changes of these in relation to some homeopathic remedies and their progression also with regard to age and intercurrent circumstances.

Description of the hair

The hair is an annex to the skin, or rather the piliferous components that grow on the skin of the human skull. In the form of fluff they already form in the fourth month of fetal life .

Under normal conditions the hair is continually renewed through three distinct phases:

  • the first, of growth, lasts two or three years and affects 85% of the hair;
  • the second is that during which the root of the hair rises towards the outside;
  • the third, finally, leads to the appearance of a replacement hair next to the deciduous one.

Homeopathic remedies for hair

A homeopathic remedy, frequently administered due to skin problems, is Sulfur, which characteristically can present a furfuraceous dermatitis of the very itchy scalp, which is typically aggravated by washes, washings that Sulfur the subject never likes too much; another characteristic of the remedy, especially in the more long-limbed constitutions, is the tendency to talk a little about everything with an attitude of apparent mastery of many subjects, which earned him the term of ragged philosopher.

Remaining in the more long-limbed constitutions we recall Phosphorus, which is characterized by the loss of hair in locks in subjects generally of young-adult age, easily impressionable and characterized by ease to hemorrhagic processes, and by easy mental and physical fatigue.

Discover also natural supplements for hair health

Always in adult-juvenile age, another frequently used remedy is Natrum Muriaticum : the subject in question has greasy hair and skin, but at the same time dry and chapped mucous; acne, if present, is localized especially in correspondence with the hairline, while on the character plane the patient is susceptible and resentful, and often has an unusual desire for salt, which can get to crunch separately from the dishes .

Moving on to subjects of a decidedly sturdier build, often leading to over-accumulation, mainly food, an often indicated remedy is Thuja : the interested subject has hair and skin of the oily and fat face, and an often increased perspiration that, if particularly sticky, will push us instead to prescribe Mercurius ; from an emotional point of view these are subjects that often present anxiety before commitments, deadlines, but also passenger illnesses, with the tendency to think about them often, and a typical aggravation of physical and skin symptoms due to exposure to humidity.

In women in menopause or in the immediate post-partum, where even important hormonal modifications may be present, Sepia is a remedy often used: hair loss in these people is not always uniform, and is associated with an overall drop in the tone of the hair. 'mood and of the abdominal and pelvic organs, with feelings of apathy, indifference and localized sensations of heaviness, and of easy fatigue of the lumbar area, all improved by intense movement.

Proceeding with advancing age a remedy frequently indicated in so long-limbed and more robust constitutions is Lycopodium : the hair, often already thinned out, occurs without nerve and sometimes fat; the problems of the hair are associated with those of a skin that is often yellowish or olive and in any case with an unhealthy appearance and prematurely aged like all the attitude of the subject Lycopodium, which can also present premature graying; the abdomen is globular and the subject is easily irritable, but also emotional and insecure, with frequent performance anxiety, which contrasts with an attitude often aimed at dominating the other.

Finally, premature graying can present another remedy often indicated in the more advanced stages of life, namely Baryta carbonica, where baldness is often sustained by problems of the circle that also justify the lack of memory and the attitude, however shy and insecure of the person; in these patients the increase in arterial pressure is frequent, linked precisely to progressive atherosclerosis, which reduces the lumen of the arteries and therefore the circulation in all the body districts.

Ultimately, by looking at these few remedies, we observed some of the most common conditions affecting the scalp, often also determined by intercurrent circumstances - such as post-partum and menopause - as well as age progression.

The described homeopathic remedies will act essentially slowing down - in people predisposed genetically to these alterations - their evolution, since they are remedies that often follow a very precise sequence able to justify their use, in fact, in different age and circumstances of the life of every being human.

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