Holly, all on the Bach flower

Holly ( Ilex Aquifolium ) is part of the Aquifoliacee family. The holly is a perennial tree, common in Europe, in the Alps and in southern China and is located above 400 m. of altitude. The leaves are shiny green, sprouting in the lower part, they have resistant spines to protect themselves from the animals of the forest. It is a shrub that generally grows in the woods, its berries are bright red, it has white and fragrant flowers that bloom in spring.

Properties and benefits of Holly

The key word of this flower is "the Othello" by William Shakespeare, who feels hurt, is susceptible, hypersensitive and thinks badly, probably at the base there is an underlying inner insecurity that leads to presuppose and act aggressively and cruel.

Dr. Edward Bach describes the Holly people thus: " ... those who, at times, are assaulted by feelings like envy, jealousy, revenge, suspicion. These people can suffer a lot, often without there being a real reason for their unhappiness ... ". They are characters that have difficulty opening up to the outside and to love, often it happens that so much suffering manifested by a Holly type is not understandable by most and generates much unhappiness.

It is a flower that can be used as a spiritual catalyst remedy, to be taken when it is not clear what remedy should be administered, especially in energetic and active people; here it is as if Holly was a powerful forerunner in order to break a deadlock.

The benefits that holly generates are the ability to give without expecting anything in return, here we are willing to share what we have with others. Thus, possessiveness vanishes and inner harmony returns, opening up to life. Moreover, the success of others has lived with joy .

Initial-inhibited emotions (before taking the flower):

Anger, envy, hatred, jealousy, mistrust and aggression.

Evolutionary-dissolved emotions (after taking the flower):

Dr. Edward Bach defines it thus, a remedy of love: " ... Holly protects us from everything when it is not part of universal love. Holly opens the heart and makes us one with the divine love ... ". Universal love, openness, compassion and generosity.

Suitable for

Holly is especially indicated for those who are visceral, twisted, who consequently experience hepato-biliary disorders, biliary colic, diarrhea or constipation, cystitis or heart-related diseases; therefore it is also used in children, due to their jealousy between brothers and / or sisters; while in adults it can often be dosed together with Chicory, who feels betrayed and mocked.


Precious for

Holly is precious for those who have a bad temper who lack love and understanding towards others.

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