Vitamin B6 and B12 for an energy load

The season of tiredness begins, spring, when our body must adapt to the awakening of nature with great commitment. The metabolism changes, the mood improves, the desire to go out, to organize new activities involves us and often it seems that our body is one step behind the head.

We then verify the conditions of our body with simple blood tests that our doctor will prescribe for an annual preventive screening. We may need a vitamin supplement or mineral salts to support us and help our well-being.

Often the complex of B vitamins may be sufficient along with the Magnesium to provide sufficient energy load. Let's look specifically at clarifying two elements of the vitamin B group, Vitamin B6 and B12.

Vitamin B6-Pyridoxine

The function of vitamin B6 is very complex: it is involved in protein metabolism but also in many enzymatic reactions, in the synthesis of serotonin, dopamine and noradrenaline, important neurotransmitters for the response of nerve impulses.

It is also called " woman's vitamin " because it is useful to counteract the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome . Participates in the release of glycogen from the liver and muscles for energy support and keeps the sodium / potassium content in balance for the proper functioning of muscles and nervous system.

Some studies have shown the importance of vitamin B6 supplementation for Parkinson's patients and people suffering from Crohn's disease, in synergy with other B vitamins and mineral salts such as zinc and magnesium.

Vitamin B6 is not stored by the liver and easily eliminated through the urine approximately eight hours after intake. It settles only in the muscles. It can be taken through food: meat, offal, unrefined cereals, dried fruit, legumes.

In the event of vitamin B6 deficiency, some disorders may occur:

> Hair loss.

> Lowering blood sugar levels.

> Arthritis.

> Cramps in arms and legs.

> Neurites.

> Learning difficulties.

> Anemia.

> Increased urine.

    For vitamin B6 integrated intake should be carried out under medical supervision and often in combination with other B-complex vitamins.

    Vitamin B12-Cobalamin

    Vitamin B12 is a so-called essential vitamin, which is not produced by our body, which we take through food. Its function is fundamental in the prevention of megaloblastic anemia, which causes fatigue, tiredness and exhaustion.

    The nutrients that make vitamin B12 are shellfish, red meat, eggs, milk and cheese, but it is not present in foods of vegetable origin. Those who follow particular diets poor in animal proteins or completely lacking, such as vegans, may need vitamin B12 supplements.

    The chemical process of absorption of this essential vitamin takes place in the stomach thanks to the hydrochloric acid that separates the vitamin compound from the food proteins, which then binds to an intrinsic factor, a protein produced by the stomach itself that guides vitamin B12 towards absorption into the bloodstream.

    In some subjects suffering from diseases characterized by non-production of intrinsic factor in the stomach it is possible to find vitamin B12 deficiency, such as those suffering from pernicious anemia, but also those who suffer from disorders or diseases affecting the gastrointestinal system such as celiac disease, Crohn's disease .

    In the event of vitamin B12 deficiency, some disorders may occur:

    > Tiredness.

    > Constipation.

    > Megaloblastic anemia.

    > Tingling in the hands and feet.

    > Poor memory.

    > Lack of balance.

    > Depression.

      It seems clear and evident that only the doctor can establish a correct diagnosis and establish the correct integration of Vitamin B12. So when we feel lightly advised to take Vitamin B12 to combat fatigue, let's straighten out the antennas… ..if we are not anemic, with absorption disorders, vegetarians or vegans, maybe vitamin B12 is not the right remedy for us .

      We can conclude, if we wish to draw on the B vitamins to counteract physical and mental fatigue, that we can resort to the entire B complex, which we find on the market and which is balanced based on the doses established by the Ministry of Health.

      Instead we avoid the intake of the individual B vitamins, in particular B6 and B12 without medical advice.

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