Activated carbon to whiten teeth: hoax or truth?

Active vegetable carbon, what it is

Also known as activated carbon, active vegetable carbon is often seen sold in parapharmacies, herbalists or supermarkets in the form of tablets.

It is a black powder of natural origin, obtained from the timber of various different tree species, usually poplar, willow and birch.

The product obtained is derived from the wood subjected to a carbonization process at very high temperatures, around 600 ° and more, in the absence of oxygen. It is usually prescribed as a natural remedy in case of abdominal swelling, poor digestion, meteorism, aerophagia and even in cases of poisoning by certain substances, due to its high absorbency and detoxifying action. However, this is not a self-medication product: it is always a good idea to consult a doctor before starting any treatment.

Activated carbon, natural toothpaste?

Among the latest and not least novelties concerning the use of natural remedies for cosmetics and the beauty of teeth, there would also be the use of activated charcoal and compounds that contain it.

In fact, there are many toothpastes on the market that contain active vegetable carbon, with an eye- catching black packaging and an impressive very dark paste, often not too cheap, with a price ranging from about 5 to 25 euros per toothpaste.

Lastly also found a jar that contains coconut oil - already used for oil pulling - and vegetable carbon together. And there are those who even dare to do it yourself, chopping and shredding the activated carbon and passing it on wet teeth : but let's see if these remedies really work.

Activated carbon, the opinion of dentists

If on one side there is the high absorbent capacity of vegetable carbon, which can therefore help to retain, taking away plaque, tartar and other substances that ruin and affect the natural white of the teeth, on the other there is the action abrasive of the product, which is by no means to be underestimated .

In fact, dentists say they pay attention and advise against the incorrect use of products such as charcoal or sodium bicarbonate, because in the long run they could permanently ruin the natural layer of tooth enamel, not only by bringing out the underlying yellowish patina, but also weakening them and causing them to chip or break more easily .

As published by Jada (Journal of the American Dental Association) there is no scientific evidence to prove the effectiveness of these products for cleaning and tooth whitening.

If in fact it is true that dentists also use baking soda to clean their teeth, it is true that they know how to use it, how long to linger on each individual tooth, what tools and which movements to perform, in order to clean even periodontal pockets.

Perhaps, and certain sites of dental hygiene underline it, it is always better to rely on herbs like sage which, thanks to its chemical composition - carnosic acid, phenolic acids, flavonoids and salvina - which favors whitening teeth in a non-aggressive and natural way, also combining an antibacterial, perfuming and disinfectant effect.

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