Football and nutrition

Calcium is an indispensable substance for the growth and health of our bones, guaranteeing qualities such as the density and elasticity of the structure.

We can say that calcium is therefore the mineral most present in our body, in the form of calcium phosphate, especially in apparatuses such as bones and teeth.

The function of football

Calcium intake is recommended to combat tooth decay, prevent and treat conditions such as osteoporosis or decalcification during menopause, rickets during child growth and help calcification following fractures. Not only. Calcium intake is recommended for nail problems, rheumatism and eczema. Other benefits of calcium intake include muscle development, cellular metabolism and energy production.

Stages of life in which football becomes fundamental are represented by pregnancy and breastfeeding: it is precisely in these periods that the maternal organism needs a large quantity of calcium. This is also important for balancing the nervous system and heart rate. It decreases the cholesterol level, also regularizing coagulation and blood PH. Like the functions of football, the relationship between football and nutrition is also fundamental.

Football and its recruitment

Taking calcium with nutrition is very simple. Calcium for bones can be found primarily in foods (milk, cereals, legumes, cabbage and oilseeds) and in plants such as horsetail, maca and spirulina. In adults the calcium requirement is 800-900 mg per day, while in pregnancy and during lactation it is 1.5-2 g per day.

Among the foods with the greatest concentration of calcium, we have baking powder, dried basil, whey, dried marjoram, thyme, celery seeds, sage, oregano, mint, seeds of poppy, skimmed powdered milk, parmesan, grana, pecorino, gruyere, sesame, cinnamon, rice and so on.

Calcium and vegan food establish another interesting relationship, in which tofu and soy milk stand out .

Not just milk: 4 plant sources of calcium

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