Energy management in combat and in life

Every individual to pursue a goal must lavish resources, his own energies. Success will be achieved if the individual's energy is sufficient in absolute terms and if it is used to the fullest, above all, if a great effort is required to achieve the result.

The whole life can be seen in this perspective, a continuous intercession of goals to be reached that require the use of one's own resources . The individual, in his evolutionary path, should tend to vary objectives, perhaps identifying increasingly higher and more demanding ones and, therefore, with a phase of resource management that will become increasingly complex.

In life, man, plausibly, will have to engage on multiple battlefields at the same time - think for example: family, work, sport, study, health, etc. To succeed you can work in two directions, increase the amount of energy available and learn how to manage your resources.

Martial arts and energy management combat

The practice of martial arts and preparation for combat may be of fundamental importance for the development of these skills. In fact, combat is characterized by a peculiarity: that of a "specular" confrontation with another individual; both fighters engage in a practice that is expressed in an attempt to consume the energies of the other by using their own energy, or, to change perspective, the purpose of the practice can be seen as an attempt to preserve their energies at the expense of other .

In this "game" the difficulty consists, in a particular way, in dosing at the best the profusion of resources. Suffice it to say that if the use of energy is excessive, we will see a dispersion of resources, with an easy victory for the opponent, but even in the event of excessive energy savings (or inability to develop one's resource potential) the risk of defeat will arise : in fact, the adversary, of equal capacity, will manage to prevail with the optimal use of his own potential.

This mechanism, which results in overt and manifest martial practice, will take place both in the single comparison, and in the entire span of a competition structured in several comparisons.

The same will happen in everyday life: a correct management of one's potential will allow to achieve, at best, the single objective as well as to pursue more than one both simultaneously and in succession.

In this sense the practice and training in martial combat, both at an inductive level, with years of direct experience through continuous comparisons with training partners and with participation in competitions, and at a deductive level, through a methodical and articulated study of the strategy and of combat tactics, with the support of adequately trained Masters, will be able to help every single human being to achieve his own evolution in life, will be able to help everyone on the path of continuous improvement of the self, thereby making the road to the achievement of the goal easier. final: happiness.

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