The benefits of spinning

Like any group activity in the gym, even spinning requires first of all a great listening to your body.

We repeat it immediately, because too often injuries are collected due to inexperience, recklessness and the desire to "follow the flock".

The trainer's enthusiasm also plays a lot, but it should always be calibrated by invitations to use one's body with caution.

Training with spinning bikes means learning to use adjustments in harmony with one's morphology, not exceeding executions, taking great care of one's knees, these are the fundamentals of safe spinning work.

An example? During a classic lesson it is easy for the trainer to invite you to speed up ; here, first always listen to how far you can go and how comfortable you are with the level of resistance you've developed so far.

Another example: detaching from the saddle during the climb simulation phase. It takes great care, especially for the load that the knees are suddenly supporting.

The benefits of spinning

Why does the heart benefit from a gradual and focused training of spinning? First of all because the work is customizable . Through the help of a personal trainer and the instructor, you can do targeted work with the help of the heart rate monitor .

In terms of posture, then, it is good to correct the session from the first lessons and adapt it to your needs. Understanding the technique of pedaling well in the various phases of ascent and descent then allows, lesson after lesson, to experience that taste which is given by the ability to become familiar with a sport.

There is evidence that a constant and gradual spinning workout slows the aging of bones and cartilage, tones muscles and strengthens strength, as well as positively impacting posture.

Relying on a collective spinning lesson means enjoying in all serenity the alternation of moments of intense effort and other lighter ones.

The musculature of the thighs is greatly stressed and there is a considerable strengthening and firming . Being a lengthening of medium and long duration, it allows the body to work also in an anaerobic sense.

Finally, spinning is a panacea for those who want to lose weight, especially with regards to the accumulation of fat on the thighs, buttocks and abdomen; we are talking about burning approximately 500 calories per hour, a value that obviously varies according to the intensity of the training and variations in pedaling.

We all know less happy aspects: the first is a "pumped" music at too high volume and the lack of contact with natural elements, the wind in the face, the sun. On the other hand, the work organized in lectures allows the laziest to unhinge and find themselves in a group as a sort of ritual.

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The main positions in spinning

Let's see the main rides and sessions that you can meet in a classic spinning lesson:

  • Seated flat (seated and on the plain): it is the basic position with the torso stretched towards the handlebar, on which the hands rest at a close distance. Pedaling is not intense, it serves to warm the whole body on a muscular level and prepares at cardiorespiratory level;
  • Seated climbing (sitting and climbing): the pelvis moves slightly backwards and the hands are distanced. We move to an average intensity comparable to a little steep climb.
  • Standing flat (standing and level): you are totally uplifted compared to the chair and the ride is fast.
  • Standing climbing (standing and climbing): the pedals are set to maximum resistance and the simulation is that of a very steep climb.
  • Jumping : the whole body extends towards the handlebar, which sees the body engaged in maintaining a very protracted position towards the handlebar and the buttocks notably high compared to the saddle. Alternating risers and seats, as if you were jumping and the resistance of the pedals is variable.

As in cycling, the number of pedaling per minute is measured with the abbreviation RPM ( Revolutions Per Minute, literally revolutions per minute) and is between 60 and 110.

There are variants of dry spinning that include water activities such as hydrobike (which can be combined with water yoga) and pedal with your arms like in kranking .

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