Links between Chinese medicine, acupuncture and shiatsu

Tight bonds, very tight, because the energies of our body circulate and can be stimulated through many techniques and Traditional Chinese Medicine, which boasts a millenary culture is the common denominator that guides those who want to deepen acupuncture (doctors), shiatsu, the tuinà, beyond geographical boundaries and discussions about Chinese or Japanese origins .

To synthesize this great universe in some lines becomes difficult, but we try, without the presumption of providing indications or guidelines, but only some basic information that can be a stimulus to deepening.

Traditional Chinese Medicine

We have traces of the codification of Chinese Medicine under the Han dynasty that ruled the Chinese Empire from 206 BC to 220 AD

The great reference work is the Yellow Emperor's Internal Medicine Canon, written in the form of a dialogue between Emperor Huang Ti and Prime Minister Qi Bo.

This vast work deals with topics of philosophy such as Taoism, yin and yang, the identification of the 5 movements and the relationships between energy channels, organs and viscera, natural cycles and therapeutic approaches to rebalancing.

All these aspects are integrated into the therapeutic approach through shiatsu and acupuncture, techniques that move on the human body following " energy maps" that connect various fundamental points for the restoration of energy and physiological imbalances.

Meridians in Chinese Medicine

According to the theory of energy channels our body is traversed from top to bottom, and vice versa, by the meridians, a sort of "motorway network" that transports energy to and from organs and viscera and supports vital functions.

The number of meridians in itself is undefined but if we consider the Masunaga map we can make a classification more akin to our Western vision .

The main ones are 12, energetically connected to 6 organs such as lung, kidney, liver, heart, pericardium, spleen ; the other 6 are related to the viscera of large intestine, urinary bladder, gall bladder, small intestine, "triple heater", stomach .

Then there are the so-called extraordinary meridians that function as energy reserves: they absorb the excesses and put them back into circulation at the moment of need.


On the meridians the so-called acupoints have been identified where it is possible to stimulate or sedate the disorderly energy.

Acupuncture uses a bimetallic needle for stimulation of specific and specific points in combination for the treatment of disorders related to imbalance of organs or central nervous system.

Acupuncture is a medical practice and must be performed exclusively by a professional, because if not performed correctly it can cause damage, and in any case needles are used. We always verify the credentials of those who exercise this discipline.

Shiatsu and Chinese Medicine

Shiatsu is another means that "runs along the meridian highway". Instead of needles , the operator's hands are used, acupressure and more ... sometimes even the elbows and knees. But don't worry, the weight exercised by shiatsuka is always balanced based on the strength of the recipient.

Like acupuncture, shiatsu works on meridians and tsubo points to rebalance ki, energy. The therapist's fingers listen to the points of emptiness and full of energy, kyo and jitsu and balance them.

Tension and relaxation, pressure and stretching are the practices that are put in place during a shiatsu session, which can often last up to an hour.

For those who receive the treatment it is not always easy to find results immediately, sometimes more sessions are needed to feel the change. Even the relationship between operator and receiver enters a binary energy exchange circuit, Tori, who practices and Uke, who receives, merge with breathing, with the beating, with heat and cold, with giving and receiving.

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