Antifungal essential oils, what they are and how to use them

Essential oils are irreplaceable allies for many disorders related to skin and mucous membranes: many of them possess interesting properties against fungi and can therefore help us even in case of mycosis .

Antifungal essential oils

Some essential oils possess anti-fungal properties and are valid natural remedies to combat the most frequent mycoses affecting the skin and mucous membranes.

Among the most effective essential oils to combat mycoses we certainly find that of tea tree or malaleuca and that of lavender but there are many others including that of onion, that of eucalyptus, lemon, sage and thyme .

Let's see how to use antifungal essential oils for the most common fungi : athlete's foot and vaginal candida.

Essential oils against athlete's foot

Athlete's foot means a mycosis that affects toes and toenails, generally in people who habitually attend gyms and swimming pools and who dry their feet with little attention; in fact, the humid environments favor the proliferation of the fungus, which causes peeling of the skin between the fingers and around the nails, as well as around the groin (more frequent in men).

To effectively treat athlete's foot, it is advisable to massage the following preparation between the fingers and around the nails.


> a teaspoon of sweet almond oil

> 4 drops of tea tree essential oil

> 1 drop of lemon essential oil

> 1 drop of lavender essential oil

Preparation and use : just add the essential oils indicated in a teaspoon of sweet almond vegetable oil, or alternatively sunflower or olive oil.

The oil will then be massaged with care on the feet once or twice a day.

Essential oils against candida

Essential oils can also help us with vaginal candida . Candida albicans is a fungus normally present in our intestine that in particular situations - generally related to stress and feeding - can proliferate abnormally causing infections and intense vaginal itching, redness and whitish discharge.

In some cases candida can become recurrent and cause discomfort on a regular basis. To combat candida, follow the indications and therapies of the gynecologist to which the natural remedy that follows follows.


> a tablespoon of aloe vera gel

> two drops of tea tree essential oil

> a drop of lavender essential oil

Preparation and use: mix essential oils with aloe gel directly in the palm of your hand. Use as if it were an intimate cleanser, massaging it externally and rinsing. Use it once a day as an alternative to the usual intimate cleanser.

Discover the essentials for intimate hygiene

To know more:

> Essential oils and their properties

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