Autumn melancholy: 3 ways to deal with it

In fact, the seasons are there to tell us something beautiful: change keeps us alive .

And then talking about autumnal fatigue or spring exhaustion has only a value from remedies that must always be proposed, when instead the body knows very well how to adapt to colors, rhythms and how to enjoy the fruits of the season, whatever it is.

Of course autumn has that value of returning to oneself, those colors of heat to be sought inside, very different from the energy of expansion that opens up in spring and then triumphs in the middle of summer. It is from here that the feeling we call "melancholy" can be born.

3 ways to transform autumnal melancholy

All the advice we will give you is aimed at strengthening the immune system, which in the autumn can be severely tested by temperature changes and mood swings.

Beyond the typical autumn cooling diseases, the immune system is absolutely connected to the quality of our thoughts . This is why it is important:

    1. Meditate in the present and savor the future with an herbal tea in hand

    Even better if the herbal tea is based on echinacea, known for centuries for its immunostimulant properties, in most of the North American Indian tribes it was considered a magical plant, endowed with a thousand powers, capable of curing an infinite number of ailments.

    The plant strengthens the immune system, stimulating both efficiency and the number of some of its fundamental elements such as antibodies, T lymphocytes and macrophages, real "soldiers" against infections.

    2. Choose a good book

    Choosing the book that will accompany you for the fall means investing in the quality of dialogue with yourself .

    Whether you choose a fantasy, an essay, a classic, the important thing is that, in the case of an advice, this comes from someone who is truly trustworthy and who is a suggestion given by the heart, by someone who knows you in essence.

    Feeding the mind can also be a way to prepare the body for autumn.

    3. Do physical movement

    Melancholy will not go away entirely but will turn into something useful by doing sport in the fall. If you really have to stay at the melancholy window, you will see what a difference it is after having made functional movement in all the muscle areas and a refreshing shower.

    Yes to kick boxing, to dance activities even in groups; if, on the other hand, you choose activities such as swimming, watch out for cold blows from the structure.

    Autumn melancholy: why?

    For many, in fact, in this world of external stimuli, going in means being sad. Autumn is a bit like dying to oneself, in fact, gathering, examining the fruits, meditating on other sowing, thinking about future projects .

    But how do you change skin if you don't transform the previous layer? How can we observe the variations if we do not contemplate the nuance that predominated until a moment just before the present?

    It is a period of discussion and at the same time of great transformation . You go below, to the roots, to the abyss. And it is underneath that there is fertility of thought and possibility of cultivating intention.

    Melancholy is a feeling that, if not avoided, leads us to develop awareness and vigilance, understood as observation of possible attachments, potential mental boundaries, hindering intentions in contrast.

    In the midst of all this, we can seize the great opportunity to see ourselves inside, transform this melancholy by using small tricks to be reborn in all senses.

    Also discover herbal remedies for melancholy in the fall

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