Hallux valgus: how to relieve pain?

Hallux valgus appears as an internal swelling of the big toe, with a protrusion on the side of the big toe, which pushes it towards the second toe. In essence, the toe tip moves towards the second finger, making the joint protrude to the base of the finger outwards.

It is a deformation of the joint that can be accompanied by foot pain and inflammation .

The hallux valgus invalidates the whole posture : the feet, the root on which the entire bone structure rests, are directly affected by the imbalances of the bones of the pelvis and back, of malformations or bad habits of position and movement, of muscular and functioning problems of internal organs. In return, the foot in turn affects the axis and the movement of the body, from the legs up to the spine.

Natural remedies based on essential oil

Footbeds help to burn the area affected by deformation and, at the same time, give relief to the foot muscles.

Footbaths based on lavender oil, or with tea tree oil and dead sea salts give relief from pain due to hallux valgus and allow to moisturize the skin and soften any calluses due to bad foot posture.

In a basin of hot water it is sufficient to dilute a teaspoon of honey to which 4-5 drops of the chosen essential oil have been mixed.

In case of use of dead sea salts add a tablespoon of salt. Leave the foot to soak in the basin until the water becomes warm.

Remedies with clay

Another remedy that allows to burn the articular area and relieve pain is clay : the ventilated green clay is a powerful anti-inflammatory (absorbs heat and releases ions) and painkiller.

For an emergency foot bath, just mix the clay with lukewarm water in a bowl: the quantities vary according to time and personal preference.

If you have more time, you can leave the clay in a bowl of water for a few hours, allowing it to rehydrate. Everything is then diluted in the basin in which to dip the foot.

In addition to the clay foot bath, it is possible to make compresses with the clay to be applied on the joint of the hallux valgus : a paste is formed with clay and a little water is spread on the part of the affected foot, bandaging it so that it does not move and do not rub off when it dries.

The pack must be kept for a few hours, from a minimum of two hours to a maximum of six hours, or even overnight.

Shoes and posture: how much heel to wear?

Shiatsu on the spleen channel and treatment with moxa

The treatment with shaitsu can also be done by yourself: just press with the fingertip of the index finger the areas around the articulation of the big toe, maintaining the pressure until relief from pain.

The spleen channel runs over the medial area of ​​the foot, passing right over the joint of the big toe.

Moxibustion is very effective in treating pain due to hallux valgus.

Treatment with moxa can be performed with the moxa cigars on point 2, 3 and 4 of the spleen, on the medial part of the foot, along the line that divides the sole of the foot and the back, before and after the hump of the joint of the big toe, acting also on the point 36 of the stomach, positioned on the leg under the center of the knee, slightly towards the outside, and on the point 61 of the bladder, which is on the foot below and behind the external malleolus.

Causes of hallux valgus

The hallux valgus in most cases of its manifestation is the result of incorrect habits . First of all is to use footwear that compresses the bones and the musculature of the foot in unnatural positions: heels, shoes that are too flat and narrow.

The hallux valgus, before exploding in its own acute and painful manifestation, sends eloquent signals: it is easy to see how the foot changes its shape, or how often it resents, after long walks, or when one is not used to walking even for short stretches of road, pains in the back and joints of the foot.

These slight signs, if there are no particular problems to attribute to other apparatuses, allow us to intervene in time, before the deformation becomes irrecoverable and the discomforts extend to the other bones.

When pain is felt it is possible to intervene with natural relief and palliative remedies, remedies that, if used before the acute phase, when one suffers even without resting the foot and without walking, allow to stem the problem.

The foot in reflexology

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