Greeting to the Moon and female well-being

Since ancient times, in the East the woman's body has always been revered in every aspect.

The fact that inside it hides the secret that generates life, has always been taken into high consideration by all those philosophical currents that we are only now beginning to recognize as the most enlightened of all humanity.

For the wisdom of the entire East, guiding the feminine spirit towards physical and spiritual enlightenment has always been an excellent method to guarantee strength and longevity to the unborn .

One of the many spiritual and physical practices that the East has developed to give energy and vitality to the woman's body is the Greeting to the Moon, also called Chandra Namaskara .

Like the 12 constellations, the 12 zodiacal signs, the 12 months of the year, the 12 disciples of Jesus, the 12 hours in which the clock is divided and the 12 dorsal vertebrae of our body, the Greeting to the Moon is a sequence of 12 yoga positions performed one after the other as if to symbolize a slow motion dance.

How to practice the Greeting to the Moon

Let us now describe some of the sacred positions of this physical and spiritual ritual.

> Greeting gesture - Namaskara Mudra

Seated on the ground, with the legs joined close to the ground and the back erect, you have to push your hands against each other, bowing your head slightly towards the fingertips.

Breathe slowly and deeply listening to the muscular tensions and sensations that run down the spine and then slowly move to the next position.

> Open Crescent - Ardha Chandra Purvottanasana

Also called "Eastern Position".

Extend the arms and stretch them beyond the head following the line of the bust that arches slightly backwards, simulating the curve of the crescent.

The chin should face upwards with a certain muscular presence. Thus supporting the head, looking up at the hands.

Take 4 slow, deep breaths, listening to your body and slowly change position.

> Closed Crescent - Ardha Chandra Paschimottaasana

Also called "West Position"

Extend the arms on the legs by flexing the trunk forward until the forehead rests on the knees. Closing the crescent.

Perform the 4 slow and deep breaths, listening to your body and slowly change position.

> Barca - Naukasana

Seated with legs stretched out, place your hands on the sides of the pelvis while remaining balanced on the buttocks and raising the stretched legs, thus tensioning the abdominals.

The hands should be pointed at the knees, trying to find the balance between the legs and torso through the breath .

> Pillar - Stambhasana

Stretch your arms and legs upwards by placing your hands and feet like a hammer, stretching the Achilles tendons, offering the palms of your hands and feet in the sunlight.

This position is also called the pillar because it recalls the figure of a temple in which hands and feet represent the pillars.

> Mighty - Shavasi asana

Shavasi represents the strength of the feminine .

Flex the torso back to rest the elbows and forearms on the ground to comfortably support the torso, stretching one leg upward, resting the foot of the other leg on the knee.

Also in this case, a 4-fold flexion should be performed, alternating the position of the legs.

> Mother of all gods - Adity asana

A position that expresses the total connection with oneself and mother earth .

Seats with legs stretched out in front and back erect .

Bend both legs and arms by joining the soles of your feet and the palms of your hands. Join the soles of the feet and keep the knees as close to the ground as possible and then flex the trunk forward towards the center.

When to practice the Greeting to the Moon

The Moon manages to influence different natural phenomena, animal behavior, plant growth and tides.

It affects the entire balance of mother earth and this is why in order to improve one's psycho-physical state, it is essential to consider its phases.

When the L is in a growing phase, everything that is about to be born is born. When the L is falling, all that is near to perish perishes.

It is as if the life of the Earth increases and decreases its vital flow according to the lunar cycle.

The Greeting to the Moon is practiced in the evening hours, after the sunset.

If practiced with a certain spirit of devotion towards life and the Earth, every single movement is performed with more awareness, thus improving the functioning of the entire central nervous system .

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