Crab apple, Bach flower for dirt craze

The Crab Apple flower remedy is indicated for those who are obsessed with the idea of ​​cleaning, purifying and decontaminating themselves physically and morally, and the environment around them and coming into contact with them.

Flower Therapy then uses Crab Apple for people who are excessively disgusted by dirt, external or internal, real or supposed, that can also manifest itself in the form of shame for some parts of their body, difficulty in externalizing their vital physical and sexual impulses .

The personality of Crab Apple: Malus Sylvestris

The remedy of Bach Crab Apple is derived from the flowers of the Ornamental Apple, a tree that grows in the glades and in the spots whose pink flowers have heart-shaped petals .

On the contrary , its inflorescence has a harmonious and extremely beautiful aspect, just like the lens that inspires those who need this flower-therapy, and instead experiences the unpleasant feeling of being contaminated, impure.

Crab Apple is considered the " antibiotic " among Bach flowers, as it strengthens the body against bacterial attacks.

It carries out a purifying action : it is used to assist treatments against acne, dermatitis, gingivitis, infections in general.

Crab Apple among natural remedies for seborrheic dermatitis

The personality of Crab Apple in man

Crab Apple starts from a condition of non-acceptance of itself ; it is the classic ugly duckling, which is not liked, but which does not even like the environment that surrounds it.

It is usual to have expressions in your mouth like "how disgusting ", because it is really disgusted, it always has the feeling of being not clean both physically and mentally ; its reality should be immaculate, while believing, rightly or wrongly, to often come into contact with contaminating situations, which can dirty it even from a moral point of view .

The Crab Apple is a very picky subject, exaggeratedly fussy, who fixes on the details and loses the global vision of reality : it can be welcomed in a beautiful context but doesn't appreciate it because it lingers on the presence of an ant that gives it a feeling of little hygiene. You may be suffering from eating disorders like bulimia or anorexia.

The positive aspect of Crab Apple

Perhaps Michael Jackson was a Crab Apple subject ... in any case a balanced Crab Apple is a person who yearns for perfection and purity and strives to do so without obsession, but spreading positivity, beauty, grace, in the continuous search for harmony. He accepts and loves himself and others, with understanding and does not dwell on the smallest details.

Crab Apple, the flower to like yourself

"Look for the florist in your area": ​​//

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