Liver pain: symptoms, causes and remedies

"Hurt in the liver" is often a way of saying to indicate painful forms involving the upper right part of the abdomen .

In most cases, in fact, the origin of the disorder is not to be traced properly to the liver organ, but to conditions pertaining to the hepato-biliary apparatus in a broader sense:

> gallbladder, inflammatory processes such as hepatitis, digestive heaviness, hepatic steatosis ( fatty liver ), but also

> irritable bowel syndrome, gastritis, duodenitis, pyloric ulcers, food poisoning and inhalation.

In addition, in traditional Chinese medicine the Liver and its associated bowel, the Vescicola Biliare, belong to the Legno movement, marked by particular character aspects, such as restlessness, anger and if we think about it well in our popular sayings we talk about “making oneself come the big liver from rabies ", so there is also a psychosomatic component that affects the health of this very important organ.

The symptoms and causes of pain in the liver

But what are the symptoms related to an imbalance of the hepato-biliary system ? There are various symptoms, depending on the nature of the disorder.

Generally there are pangs in the upper right part of the abdomen, which also radiate to the back at a dorsal level .

In Shiatsu for example the liver if fatigued and in surmenage is treated in sedation along the spine in the right side scapular height. Painful perception is due to the distension of the part that covers the liver and which is called the Glisson's capsule .

This kind of pain is often caused by problems related to steatosis of the liver, food poisoning that also extend to the stomach and intestines, with abdominal spasms, swellings, a feeling of not having digested, flatulence, and dysentery.

In other cases the pains in the liver appear as real colic, with terrible acute pains, which originate from the right side, radiate to the back up to the level of the kidneys and literally "bend in two" who is affected. These are typical of gallstones, which when they move inside the gallbladder create different disorders, some unbearable.

It is always a good idea to investigate the state of the art with a specialist, since calculous formations that can creep in and damage the bile ducts cause transfer of bile, with the risk of seriously compromising health.

In the case of acute hepatitis, therefore of sudden inflammation of the hepatic apparatus, the Glissonian capsule undergoes contractions that can produce perceptible pain; both in these cases and in cases of blockages of the bile ducts, directly consequent symptoms may appear, such as jaundice, vomiting, loss of appetite, tiredness.

There are also painful forms of a psychosomatic nature, due to chronic stress, real forms of "wear and tear of everyday life " as a famous advertising spot of the 80's said: brooding and unexploded anger, restlessness, agitation, or even simple vivacity that cannot being expressed often manifest themselves on the liver, with painful forms, or allergic forms and go to poison the hepatobiliary system.

The same allergies of a purely spring nature, the season in which the liver and gall bladder are at their maximum energetic expression, are treated with therapies that act on this important apparatus.

Rabies and liver in traditional Chinese medicine

Natural remedies for liver pains

First and foremost the diet : no to fried foods, no to foods rich in fat, no to alcohol, coffee and tea . Drink plenty of natural water. The liver is an excretory organ, like the kidneys, and as such needs warmth . So always keep it protected from sudden changes in temperature, from blows of air and cold drinks from the refrigerator.

Always prefer water at room temperature or hot drinks, detoxifying and draining, which favor the physiology of the organ.

Let's see some herbal remedies that talk about the liver and the gall bladder.


  • The artichoke is rich in phenolic acids and cynarin . It carries out an important protective action against harmful free radicals and stimulates the regeneration of liver cells. The action of cynarin is also cholagogue and choleretic, that is it stimulates the production of bile and its passage from the gallbladder to the intestine, detoxifies the liver, reduces cholesterol and triglycerides.
  • Contraindications : It goes without saying that the artichoke is not recommended for those who have had their gallbladder removed .
  • How to use: we can take it in the form of herbal tea or hydroalcoholic extract in synergy with other remedies.


    • The dandelion is purifying and anti-inflammatory . Rich in sterols, triterpenes and bitter principles, it detoxifies the liver, freeing it from the catabolites of digestion, such as sugars, triglycerides, cholesterol, soothes inflammation and stimulates diuresis.
    • Contraindications: it is not recommended for those suffering from low blood pressure, for those suffering from gallstones and ulcers, because the bitter principles can irritate the gastric mucosa and stimulate the movement of the gallbladder.
    • How to use : we can use the dandelion in both herbal tea and in hydroalcoholic extract for a physiological effect.

    Milk thistle

      • milk thistle : it is a female plant, rich in phytoestrogens such as silibilin that regulates the hormonal well-being of women. The high content of silymarin has a protective effect on the liver, against damage caused by alcohol abuse, toxic substances and regenerates the cells, with anti-inflammatory effects. The milk thistle carries out a cholagogue activity, thus stimulates the emptying of the gall bladder from the bile, directing it to the duodenum.
      • Contraindications : it is not recommended for people suffering from hypertension due to the tyramine it contains.
      • Directions : the herbal preparations can contain the whole plant or only the milk thistle seeds : in both cases they can be used in tisaniere, leaving a teaspoon of preparation for ten minutes to infuse. The mother tincture can be diluted in water, to the extent of 30 drops per glass .

      Mixture for the liver

        We can mix these 3 remedies together for a synergistic action :

        • In herbal tea in equal parts, we take 2 g of mixture per 150 ml of water in decoction twice a day
        • In hydroalcoholic extract: 15 drops of each tincture (45 drops) in a glass of water to be taken 3 times a day

        Enlarged liver, causes and diet

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