Snacks and snacks to keep fit

Sacred as a snack

Moreover there is no dietician or dietician who does not ask: what is your mid-morning snack or snack ? What is your afternoon snack?

Perhaps, most of the time, the answer is "I don't eat anything", which immediately makes the doctor or nutritionist turn his nose upside down, or he confesses to give in to a coffee or, worse, to what happens, underestimating the importance a break during the day.

Here, instead, is what follows, which is generally more recommended between snacks and snacks to keep fit, giving yourself a recharge of clean energy during the day.

Snack with:

1. A fruit

An apple, a pear, a banana - usually given once or twice a week, especially if sports are planned - a seasonal fruit is one of the most recommended snacks to stay in shape, ideal both in the morning and in the afternoon, very comfortable to carry.

In winter never miss the oranges : with the fiber they contain, they regulate the absorption of sugars and help prevent diabetes and arteriosclerosis, eating them like this is even better than the juice!

2. Bread and honey

A couple of slices of dark bread, or wholegrain, rye or oat, sweetened with honey: an important energy support for those who have to face tiring and mentally demanding days, perfect for children and young people. For those who love to count, a slice of wholemeal rye bread with a teaspoon of honey has about 140 calories.

3. Mixed centrifuge

A centrifuged is ideal to restore energy and charge the body. Perfect with apple, carrot, ginger and lemon and some other seasonal fruit. Or green, with kiwi, celery, pears and lemon. If desired, for those who want to add green chlorophyll, the drink can be enriched with a teaspoon of barley grass .

4. Yogurt

A break with yogurt has never gone out of style. Preferred white or Greek for example, with a lower fat content, or a natural and organic yogurt that comes from mountain milk, is a practical snack that gives health and energy. It also contains ferments that are good for the liver and regulate cholesterol levels.

5. Tea

A cup of hot tea, especially black tea that helps reduce blood sugar and triglyceride levels, is more than recommended and a healthy habit. Green tea, rich in beneficial substances, is also highly appreciated. You can also take it to work in a practical thermos.

6. Natural apple juice

Natural apple juice, with no added sugar, has a medium glycemic index. For this it is recommended both as a snack, but also, in its concentrated form, as a sweetener in cakes and desserts.

7. Oilseeds and dried fruit

Yes, but not always and without exaggeration, approximately a couple of times a week and depending on your physical activity. Oilseeds and dried fruit are a nutritious and very energetic snack, but can make you fat if you overdo it! Consume a mix that is in the palm of your hand, including walnuts, almonds, apricots or dried grapes, hazelnuts, sunflower seeds or pumpkin seeds.

Glucose factor

When they tell us that there should be no sudden drops in glucose in a correct diet, it is something sacrosanct: as experts and nutritionists argue, a healthy and balanced diet must also take into account the famous GI, or glycemic index .

To make it short, the faster the glycemic peak, ie the maximum amount of glucose reached in a meal, the more we tend to gain weight . According to specific studies, glycemic peaks hurt the pancreas, slow down the metabolism and can lead to overweight.

This is why it is important to choose the right foods, eliminate those that are processed industrially, to the advantage of fresh and seasonal ones, and especially avoid refined sugars; even foods such as pasta, rice or a second course, but also the hyper-sugared fruit salad that the grandmother wants to trim at the end of a meal, can increase blood sugar, so they should not be consumed in exaggerated doses.

What's the secret then? In fact, it is making this IG as stable as possible, which is precisely done by taking meals with balanced foods and at intervals that are not too long one from the other. Hence the fundamental importance of the mid-morning snack or afternoon snack .

Last but not least, the equally important step of contacting a competent and experienced person to plan your food plan.

Read also

> The 5 foods with the lowest glycemic index

> Kale chips, the recipe

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