Bread in the world

Bread is one of the basic foods and one of the most widespread sources of carbohydrates in the world, in its various versions.

In fact , there are an infinite number of them, which differ in terms of quality, ingredients and preparation. Generally bread is made with wheat, although as mentioned there are different versions, and wheat, together with corn, rice and potatoes, is the most consumed staple food in the world, usually in the form of bread and pasta.

Even before pasta, bread is one of the oldest foods produced by man, based on fermentation and leavening of the forms made of a mixture of cereal flour and water, which are then baked in the oven.

The origin of bread

The origin of bread is lost in the mists of time and begins with the development of the use of tools. As soon as the men of antiquity began to consciously use the stones, they understood that the seeds could be reduced to flour, to which water was then added, before putting on the fire the result of that mixture.

The first loaves were unleavened, or unleavened, a practice that has remained until the present day to allow a long preservation of the product. The consumption of this product developed further in Central Asia and Asia Minor, becoming part of the cuisine of the Semitic culture, until it crossed with the Egyptian one, which provided the concept of fermentation, and the Hellenistic one, which developed and propagated it in Roman world, where until now, mainly legume and chestnut biscuits were consumed.

The art of bread-making was later adapted to all regions of the world, based on different cereals based on the climatic conditions of the place.

Different types of bread

While in fact in the Mediterranean basin wheat bread is the most used, going up towards northern Europe we find loaves made of rye, millet and oats, while in the new world maize goes for the most.

On the other hand, through Arab culture, bread has also spread to Africa without having developed the technique of fermentation and leavening: in fact, we find here many forms of unleavened bread based on millet, kamut, sesame and other minor cereals forgotten, like the tef (Eragrostis tef).

Quite a different story instead in Asia, where between India, China and Japan the basic food based on the most consumed cereals is rice and not bread. However we can find here some local forms of unleavened bread, such as Arab bread, chapati, naan, Tibetan bread; or fermented products such as parotta, idli and dosa, more like a crepe than a real bread.

In the modern world, however, bread-based products spread regardless of ancient traditions : we see everywhere different types of bread, in different forms and with different ingredients, from baguette to black bread with bran, from bread with fennel seeds to bread with the olives.

We have classic breads baked in the oven but there are also steamed breads, fried (like the Indian puri or pappadam), like grilled parotta or tortillas . We can find salted breads, breads without salt, like the white Tuscan one, or sweet breads, like in northern Europe, where we also find raisins and butter. Let's try to give an idea of ​​the various breads in the world.

Read also Whole wheat bread: benefits, nutritional values, recipes >>

Bread in North Africa

The breads in this area are unleavened, baked, often with ancient flours, fenugreek, sesame, poppy.

Bread in Eastern Europe

Potato starch is often added together with wheat flour.

Bread in North America

Addition of sugars in the dough.

Bread in South America

There are various types, of Mediterranean and northern European origin but adapted with the addition of corn.

Bread in China and Japan

They are very soft breads, often sweet and stuffed (legumes, vegetables, meat sauces).

Bread in the Jewish tradition

The breads are high, with soft crumb, often with various spices and seeds.

Bread in the Antilles area

The bread is made with cassava flour and coconut oil, often lightly fried.

Bread in Central Asia

Flat breads, similar to our flat breads and flat breads, are easy to transport.

Bread in Turkey

The breads are flat, white, soft and round.

Bread in Russia

The forms of bread are large, firm, dark due to the bran.

Bread in the UK

The bread is sweet, soft, high, often frosted.

Bread in Scandinavia

The bread is flat, dry, crunchy.

Bread in the Horn of Africa

The breads are sweet, low but spongy.

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