Fruits and vegetables from January

The vegetables of January

Eating fruit and vegetables in season, you know, is one of the best ways to vary food, respect nature's life cycle and even save. What is the fruit and vegetable of January ? Let's start with vegetables. On the January table you cannot therefore miss the Catalonian chicory, red radicchio, fennel, cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage and turnips.

Catalonia is a variety of chicory with an elongated head that differs from other types due to the presence of chicory, tender shoots that can be eaten either cooked or raw in salads. When you buy it you must check that the ribs are not yellowed and that they are crunchy; this vegetable from January is grown mainly in Puglia and Veneto.

Broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage and turnips are perfect for preparing soups and as a condiment for pasta. They are rich in antioxidants, minerals and vitamins. To benefit from all their properties, you should eat these freshly cooked or steamed vegetables.

Fennel is, among the vegetables of January, perhaps the best ally of the post-party diet . Digestible and low in calories, it helps the body to purify itself after the extravagances of the Christmas period. Raw, it is perfect after a meal.

The red radicchio is, among the vegetables of January, one of the most precious. It is known above all that of Treviso. It can be eaten raw, in salads, or cooked, for example on the grill, or as a condiment for risotto.

Properties, calories and nutritional values ​​of cauliflowers

January fruit

When it comes to fruit and vegetables in January we cannot forget the citrus fruits: oranges, grapefruits and mandarins are the most common fruits on our tables in January and throughout the winter season. Rich in vitamin C are useful in the prevention of colds . Don't limit yourself to eating them as snacks or at the end of the day; citrus fruits, especially oranges, are also excellent in salads, seasoned with a little salt and extra virgin olive oil. Obviously, then, they are perfect for the preparation of desserts and preserves. If you use the peel, make sure that the fruit has not been treated. Put a mandarin in your children's backpack, it will be a perfect school snack.

Then, on the January table, you can't miss the kiwi, a true vitamin C concentrate. Refreshing, thirst-quenching, diuretic and laxative, the kiwi also has antiseptic properties. He is an ally of all, but above all of pregnant women; thanks to its properties it is, in fact, able to prevent and alleviate some frequent disorders in pregnancy and, in particular, circulatory problems, varicose veins, hemorrhoids and constipation.

You can learn more about the fruit of the month of January

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