What is the reported visceral pain

If it is bad in the neck it could be linked to the lungs. If your left shoulder screams, you wondered / how is your heart? Many articles on the subject are on the web, focusing on what is called visceral pain .

In summary, our system constantly communicates to us what is happening internally. Let's better see which areas of the body relate to specific internal organs.

Visceral pain reported: the organs and their manifestations

Tell me where it hurts you and I'll tell you which organ wants help. In summary, this would be the logic of visceral pain reported. The conditions for talking about this type of pain are:

    > absence of trauma and sudden appearance;

    > pain that occurs more often in a specific time slot.

    The kinesiological muscle test is based on this external-internal interaction. If a muscle responds in a weak and disorganized way, many factors related to the visceral situation are understood.

    If there is cervicalgia, pain in the trapezius and back muscles (especially in the dorsal area), the affected organ is the stomach. The liver and gall bladder are related to the right shoulder, tendonitis, headache, muscle stiffness and fatigue. When the joints become easily inflamed and there is sensitivity in the area of ​​the sacrum, it is easy for the intestine to become irritated.

    Many sites such as Jose Luis Godoy's holistic kinesiology or the site of Med Cam which features Irene Maurizi's text offer a detailed explanation.

    For example, they indicate precisely how any bladder pathologies can manifest with pain in the lumbosacral area or lower abdomen and pathologies of the pancreas with pain in the left shoulder, pain in the epigastric level, back-lumbar pain.

    Acupressure is also a Chinese technique useful for treating various disorders

    Messages from organs and meridians

    Allopathic medicine finds itself having to deal with something that is the foundation of many, if not all, traditional Oriental medicines. Think of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), where the energy lines that run through the body have a close connection with the organs, viscera and sense organs, which in turn are absolutely connected to seasonality, to the hours of the day, to the age of individual and his constitution.

    The meridian of the heart, for example, begins in the central part of the armpit, continues in the medial part of the axillary artery, descends into the medial part of the biceps of the arm and into the ulnar part of the forearm, and then ends at the back of the angle of the nail of the little finger.

    It is therefore very common in the general reference scheme of visceral pain referred to, as they refer to potential heart disease pains affecting the left side of the neck, the shoulder and the left arm, the center of the retrosternal chest, the mandible, the region upper part of the left shoulder blade.

    The Triple Warmer, compared to the other meridians, is a case in itself, as it does not refer to a specific organ but has a value more linked to peripheral circulation, to the distribution of energy. Its path begins in the dorsal part of the ring finger, then continues in the dorsal part of the forearm, in the lateral part of the neck, on the face near the ear, to finish in the outer part of the eyebrows.

    The added value is also that of a vision linked to psychology, to the attitude with which one faces and lives life. What moods cause a subject to experience a pain that has first and foremost originated in the soul and then manifests itself in the joints or affects the functioning of the organs?

    The Heart suffers if there is emotional suffocation, if one is subjected to a prolonged nervous tension; the Liver works with difficulty if there is a situation of material poverty, if there is a feeling of anger with which it has been living for a long time; the Bladder is bad if there is a block on a sexual and expressive level, etc.

    Also these are not indications to be married in a fundamentalist and rigid way; to all this is combined with the management of oneself in terms of food and movement.

    Meridian stretching exercises

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