Eucalyptus honey, properties and uses in the kitchen

Eucalyptus honey is one of the best honeys we produce in Italy and is used for its healthy properties for respiratory illnesses. Let's discover the features, properties and uses.

Characteristics of eucalyptus honey

The consistency of this honey is compact and the color is amber that turns towards gray with an even more compact consistency.

Its crystallization takes place in a few months and the grain size is very fine. The flavor is strong, intense and particularly balsamic : for some it is reminiscent of mushrooms, wood and curry, while others feel the taste of helichrysum and liquorice candies.

However, the taste is not too sweet and the acidity is moderate.

Properties and benefits of eucalyptus honey

Eucalyptus honey is mainly used against coughs and diseases typical of the respiratory system such as the cold, as well as in general due to illness due to states of inflammation. These properties have not yet been ascertained at a scientific level even though as far as eucalyptus essential oil is concerned there are already results of studies that prove its effectiveness against various bacteria and viruses.

Eucalyptus honey contains many antioxidant substances and in particular flavonoids which contribute to maintaining the well-being of the body because they reduce the free radicals that are responsible for cellular aging.

Eucalyptus honey thus becomes a food that can be taken as a prevention against degenerative diseases and in the case of inflammatory phenomena so that research comparing different types of honey have declared eucalyptus honey as the best antioxidant and anti-aging.

Among its properties we remember the support in cases of bronchitis and sinusitis because it has expectorant and mucolytic power; in fact, it manages to thin the mucus and the catarrhs, freeing the nasal passages and the respiratory system in general.

It is interesting to know that the eucalyptus honey of Europe - meaning in particular that produced in Spain, Italy and Greece - is considered the best among eucalyptus honeys due to the presence of more flavonoids and greater propolis quantity which increases its antioxidant power.

The presence of propolis thus adds honey to the antiviral and antibacterial properties that favor the use of eucalyptus honey against any external attack caused by viruses or bacteria. A study on Italian eucalyptus honey showed that this honey has a strong efficacy against a particular bacterium, Staphylococcus aureus, responsible for some forms of respiratory tract illness.

Eucalyptus honey among natural cough remedies in children

How to use eucalyptus honey

Recall that the active substances in honey are sensitive to heat and light so to preserve the beneficial and organoleptic properties of honey it is good to use it fresh naturally and keep it away from heat and light .

It is always advisable to choose honey from organic farming to have a better guarantee of the absence of synthetic chemicals both in the environment in which the bees collect the pollen and those used during the beekeeping practices.

A good tip to increase effectiveness is the use of a few drops of eucalyptus essential oil in eucalyptus honey and in combination with propolis for an enhanced synergistic action useful in any situation of diseases of the airways and of the respiratory system.

Eucalyptus honey in the kitchen

Eucalyptus honey is combined with seasoned and tasty cheeses such as parmesan cheese or with low-fat cheeses.

Also excellent in natural white yogurt, associations not indicated, however, in case of flu and mucus when it is recommended to avoid milk products . In this case it is better to choose tea with eucalyptus honey ; the best match is with strong teas with cinnamon or ginger, which are also excellent in cases of colds.

Eucalyptus honey is however perfect to accompany fish and mixed main courses of the first and second courses, seasoned simply with oil, lemon and eucalyptus honey.

Even in the dishes of legumes and soup it manages to give an interesting flavor and even in snacks or sushi. Try experimenting in both sweet and savory to find truly surprising combinations!

Discover also the properties and use of thyme honey in the kitchen

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