Painful menstrual cycle, symptoms and remedies

We women know, every month we change, we renew ourselves, we follow the lunar flows and it is not always a pleasant walk.

Indeed, some women experience menstruation with discomfort, pain and spasms. What is this phenomenon called dysmenorrhea ?

Symptoms and causes of Dysmenorrhea

Dysmenorrhea occurs for the first days of the cycle with cramps and spasms that are often associated with muscle contractions that even prevent walking or maintaining a correct posture.

It affects young women with greater incidence, while in adulthood a similar symptomatology may become suspect, in any case medical advice is suggested to check if there are causes of a pathological nature.

Cramps and spasms can be accompanied by back pain, nausea, headache, dizziness, breast tenderness, which resolve after the first two or three days, in the case of primary dysmenorrhea, which does not identify a specific cause to be attributed to cycle pains.

In the case of secondary dysmenorrhea, triggering conditions such as endometriosis, adenomyosis, neoplasms, and pain accompany the entire cycle of menstruation.

Remedies for Dysmenorrhea

There are various useful remedies to relieve painful symptoms. First of all the heat is of great comfort both for the spasms and for the cramps and the muscular tensions that involve the whole area, including the lumbar area. We can use the classic hot water bottle or an electric warmer.

In the herbalist field, ad hoc preparations and remedies exist to decrease painful symptoms:

> Cimicifuga : it is a remedy rich in salicylic acid, polyphenols and phytosterols useful for calming pain and for rebalancing estrogenic activity . The cimicifuga exerts a relaxing and analgesic action on the uterine smooth muscle . It is also useful in menopause due to its ability to suppress the luteinizing hormone and therefore to calm down the hot flashes, the mood swings.

> Agnocasto : it is a remedy rich in iridoid glycosides, flavonoids and terpenes. The Agnocasto has the ability to regulate the ovulatory system, the estrogen / progesterone ratios, and relieve symptoms of premenstrual syndrome. It is indicated in case of endometriosis, which causes pain during the cycle.

> Rubus Idaeus : is raspberry in gemmoderivato and acts at the hormonal level in the communication between pituitary gland and ovaries. It is able to reduce the pain of the menstrual cycle, but it must be taken in prevention, therefore with constant cycles before the beginning of the cycle, particularly indicated also in the case of premenstrual syndrome.

> Angelica Sinensis : it is the female ginseng that acts on the estrogen / progesterone rebalancing and in addition it performs a spasmolytic action to quell cramps and pains often due to endometriosis. However, Angelica should not be taken by those who suffer from an abundant cycle because it could further increase the flow.

> Magnesium: this mineral should be taken regularly when you are aware of suffering from dysmenorrhoea. It helps to calm muscle contractions, acts on uterine and intestinal spasms and regulates the neurovegetative sphere.

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