10 signals that you don't drink enough

In the summer even more, but in every season of the year drinking is important and we must not remember it only during the Water Day or when we start as long that kidneys and bladder do not work enough .

The ideal dose of water would be around a liter and a half or two liters per adult per day, between water and other beverages, obviously natural, such as herbal teas, infusions or decoctions.

Fruit juices, coffee and carbonated beverages should not be considered because they do not carry out the function of hydrating humanitarianism, indeed, they sometimes take liquids away.

Moisturizing is therefore essential for the body: it is good for the skin (in fact the best moisturizer is the water that is taken every day internally), to the hair, to the organs, to the health of mucous membranes and tissues, to the brain, in short, to the whole organism.

Sometimes water is taken from us due to vomiting, fever, severe diarrhea, pathologies or excessive sweating.

Dehydration is a point that should not be reached, especially in the case of children, the elderly or the chronically ill, weaker and more easily exposed to such a condition.

The signs of dehydration

Prevention is the main advice for avoiding dehydration, so the daily fluid intake level should always be adjusted .

Secondly, the perception and observation of our body is important: do we really know how to recognize when our body lacks water ?

To understand this we pay attention to certain small signals. Here are a dozen.

  1. Bad breath . When not enough is drunk, saliva is not properly "cleaned", so bacteria find more fertile soil. From this follows a breath worse than usual, the mouth dry and sticky.
  2. Sleepiness and excessive tiredness are other signs of lack of water in the body, often accompanied by muscle pain and cramps
  3. Hunger or craving for sugar : this happens above all after an intense physical effort in an organism that is not well hydrated. In reality it is not a real hunger, but thirsty, need water, so before swallowing candy and sweets, try two large glasses of natural water.
  4. Shortage of urine or urine too dark and concentrated: the body's fluid exchange is lacking, with what follows for organs and systems.
  5. No tears: when you start blinking more frequently and you feel tired in the eyes, it means that they need more hydration

  6. Dry and dehydrated skin, not at all elastic, that is, if it is pinched it remains there without returning to its place
  7. Headache and dizziness, feeling faint, blurred vision, confusion and low blood pressure. If you become dehydrated your blood supply to the brain drops noticeably and your cognitive abilities fail.
  8. Shortness of breath and rapid heartbeat
  9. Bad mood, mild depression, irritability: these are all spies and consequences of bad cell communication
  10. Constipation : the intestine is poorly hydrated and the colon works poorly.

A tip for drinking enough

The first thing to win is laziness: always carry your personal bottle of water with you throughout the day, so that you can get used to sipping a little every now and then.

And if the excuse is that you do not like water, make it more enjoyable flavoring it with fresh fruit cut into small pieces or with mint or lemon: there are many fruity water recipes that you can experiment!

But which water is better to drink?

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