Papilloma virus: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and prevention

HPV ( Human Papillomavirus ) is a fairly common virus, especially in sexually active women .

There are several HPV strains, many of them do not cause problems but some of them are responsible for neoplastic diseases, especially those affecting the cervix.

Symptoms of papilloma virus

Most people with HPV are asymptomatic . In some cases, however, papilloma virus can cause warts on the genital organs, both in women and in men; more rarely there are lesions forming on the throat.

Warts can also appear several weeks or even months after contracting the disease through sexual intercourse.

Some types of HPV are responsible for cervical cancer or other cancers of the vulva, vagina, anus, penis, tongue, tonsils and throat .

Diagnosis and therapy of papilloma virus

The most common tests for women are:

  • Pap test : it is an important test for cervical screening which all women should undergo periodically, starting from 25 years of age, even if they do not have any problems. During this test, the doctor or midwife takes a sample of cervical cells that are then examined under a microscope to look for suspicious cells.

  • Colposcopy : this test is usually required if the PAP test is positive. The examination consists in the study of the uterine cervix through an instrument called colposcope.

  • HPV DNA Test : used to directly search for the genetic material of the papillomavirus in a cell sample.

In the case of men, peniscopy is recommended only in some cases, a non-invasive test that is used to assess any cellular abnormalities.

Papillomaviru s infections, in most cases, heal spontaneously.

Early diagnosis is important for those forms that are related to cervical cancer or other cancers, as there is a greater chance of healing if the neoplasm is diagnosed early.

Genital warts caused by HPV can be treated or removed.

Prevention of papillomavirus

The Papilloma virus is transmitted sexually and the condom does not guarantee complete protection.

There is a vaccine that protects against some Papilloma virus strains and is offered free to all girls in the twelfth year of life.

The vaccine is very important but does not cover against all forms of HPV responsible for cervical cancer ; consequently, even vaccinated women will have to start screening with a pap test starting from 25 years of age .

Based on current knowledge, the maximum efficacy of the vaccine is obtained in young women (up to 26 years) who have not yet had sexual intercourse.

The new vaccination plan also includes vaccination for males. In some regions, in reality, the vaccine offer had already been extended previously.

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