Computer gymnastics for the eyes of sailors

Doing some computer gymnastics is the best way to thank tired eyes that have been in front of the screen for a long time.

After a full day of computer work, in an intense and productive way, you feel satisfied with the work done but also emptied of the energy you go to. We already think about the evening's commitments, a shower, a nice exit.

Yes, but you forget to say thanks to what together with your fingers and your brain, allowed us to complete the job: the eyes, which quickly and reactively recorded information, moved easily along the screen to find them, they were laid for a long time to deepen them.

The eyes, the computer, the law

The legislator also cares about the ocular well-being of workers. The Law 626 concerns precisely those who work most hours at work on the computer for the protection of health in the workplace provides, in the case of workers working on the computer for over 4 hours, to do 1 quarter of an hour every 2. During that time the worker cannot be employed in other tasks that require close vision.

If you deal with jobs that need to be done in front of the screen, the best thing you can do during the break is to look far, possibly a landscape.

The optimal condition is that for which the gaze rests on a green landscape, a color that extends, together with the eyes, the soul. In general, shifting attention to nature is a great way to relax the muscles of the eye, which contracts when you look at close distances, while relaxing when the eye looks into the distance.

The utility that is good for the eyes

There are specific computer gymnastic exercises for tired eyes that you can practice in the office or at home. We report to you some handy utilities that work like bells ready to tell you when the time has come for them to rest their eyes.

One of these is Eye Defender, which installs itself in the system bar and punctually punctuates the 20 minutes like a Swiss watch; another is Workrave, more complete and equipped with a video window that suggests a series of visual training exercises to be done. Have fun chasing the ball, look for the cross, do not give rest to the mischievous cube.

Try natural eye drops for tired and red eyes

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