Sunflower seeds, properties and how to use them

Sunflower seeds are harvested from the common sunflower ( Helianthus annuus ) , an annual plant of the Astaraceae family. Rich in vitamins, iron and magnesium, they are also known for their anticancer properties . Let's find out better.

Main nutrients of sunflower seeds

The calories contained in sunflower seeds are 557 per 100 g . Among the oily seeds, they are those with the lowest caloric intake and are in fact composed of about 45% fat, 20-28% protein and about 23% carbohydrate.

The high vitamin content is precious: in fact we find large quantities of vitamins B1, B2, B6, A, D and E.

Excellent source of magnesium, iron, cobalt, manganese, zinc and copper for the body. Among the essential fatty acids they boast a good presence of chlorogenic acid, linoleic acid and folic acid.

Properties and benefits

Sunflower seeds exist in three varieties and each of these has properties:

  • white sunflower seeds are particularly rich in linoleic acid (omega-6), an essential fatty acid appreciated for its anticancer properties and for the prevention of arteriosclerosis and diabetes. Linoleic acid also favors the growth of lean mass compared to fat.
  • In the black variety these seeds are particularly rich in iron, manganese and zinc (used in the metabolism of fats and important for growth ) as well as fiber, excellent in slimming diets for increasing the sense of satiety and precious for intestinal activity .
  • Striated-type seeds are very useful for the correct functioning of the intestine.

In general, sunflower seeds are very nutritious without exceeding fats and due to their high magnesium content they are heart allies and powerful antistress .

Ideal for controlling cholesterol and preventing cardiovascular diseases and arteriosclerosis .

Discover other seeds and their link with essential fatty acids

Sunflower seeds in the kitchen

Excellent to enrich the bread by mixing them in the dough but also to add to fresh salads or breakfast cereals .

Our culinary tradition is not yet very accustomed to the use of oilseeds, but they are actually small health pearls to be savored. Ever thought of preparing a nice risotto with sunflower seeds?

For the most gluttonous palates here is a suggestion: before consuming the sunflower seeds in the salad, toast them in a non-stick pan with a pinch of salt. They will be even more crispy and delicious!

By Stefania Puma


The properties and benefits of sunflower oil

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