New Year's purposes: training and nutrition

The "purpose" is something that benefits the person who puts it into practice.

With this vision in mind we can say that reflecting on a list becomes both easy and difficult.

What really feeds us and does us good? Are we able to eradicate bad habits but first of all maybe distinguish them?

We have decided to give you some good ideas for the new year, which may not fit into your present historical moment, but maybe be valid for a mico you see stranded or for your less immediate future.

And meanwhile, an infinite number of wishes for the year that is about to arrive ...

Training among the new resolutions for the new year

Do you know the mountains all around you? Do you know anything about this or that summit? Or that walk near the stream or the sea or just outside your city?

Well, it's time to go hiking. Look for trekking groups where there is silence and respect, not too oriented towards animal protein consumption or dialogue at all costs.

If you like, you can also try yoga trekking. Or, first probe the trails in company but with the utmost care to then be able to visit them alone, in the case of excursions that are not too advanced as a level (in case you went alone you always check the weather, the wind and fog status, without calculating precipitation). You can associate this new habit with prince mind training: meditation .

It is enough to complain about post-trauma physical pains or pains you do not understand where they come from but they recur periodically. It is time to take everything in hand and perhaps arrange for a visit from the osteopath who knows how to put you in a position to better understand the way your body is organizing itself, how it is doing economy in the movement.

Go ahead for three very valid alternatives: walk more, ride a bike, swim . If some of you have always had an unjustified fear of water, come on in 2017, look for a good swimming instructor. Very well also approaching a martial art or a regular practice of qi gong .

2017 is the year of the Rooster in the Chinese calendar. A hard worker, a confident performer, a dedicated student. This is the attitude with which to approach one's body.

Food between new resolutions for the new year

We start immediately from the center, the abdominal one. Have you ever thought of protecting the enormous and very important bacterial flora that lives there by using specific probiotics ? Many mood disorders affect the state of the intestine and vice versa, or many psychophysical declines are created from a weak bacterial flora.

Probiotics provide the reinforcement of the non-immunological mucosal barrier, the normalization of intestinal permeability, and the increase in immunological resistance. They are very useful if in the past year you have had episodes of colorectal disorders, constipation and transit of irregular intestinal tract, irritable bowel, diarrhea, eradication of Helicobacter pylori, hepatic encephalopathy, inflammatory bowel diseases, irritable bowel syndrome. Valid also as a support, indirectly but very connected, for mood disorders linked to this dysfunction.

You could also review an alleged more or less strong dependence on exciting and alcoholic substances. That is, you could try for a few days to stop the habits and feel if for example that coffee after lunch is right there or if you can do without ordering a beer when you are with friends.

Perhaps a completely new passage will open up there, and you will naturally give up something that drains you of energy if taken in large quantities and usually .

A good idea may also be to decide to visit a naturopath to understand any food allergies.

You might decide to chew slowly and decide with all calmness what really matters, before drowning in your plate. A sort of year based on food self-listening, an experience to try. And after the meal, instead of sitting, move a few steps.

Good intentions for the new year: how to respect them?

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