The cat's drug, that's what catnip is
Botanically known as Nepeta Cataria, catnip, gattaria or "cat mint" is a well-known seedling that has particular effects on our furry friends, cats. It belongs to the Lamiaceae family and its origin is Mediterranean and North African.
But not everyone knows that catnip is actually a concentrate of substances that stimulate the cat, first of all the nepetalactone, also called "the drug of cats", a terpenoid that is able to attract animals like pollinating insects, but also to act as a repellent to animals harmful to the plant, such as pests, cockroaches, mosquitoes or herbivorous animals.
We have seen, and it is scientifically proven, that this molecule causes excitement in felins, performing the function of a true pheromone of cats.
The reaction of cats to catnip
The sensitivity to this substance affects more than 70% of cats and its smell is perceived by cats through the vomeronasal organs.
Here is the video of the "cats made", a sequence of cats struggling with catnip, which clearly demonstrates the exciting effects of the plant on small domestic cats.
As you can see, the cat that encounters a catnip plant gets close to it, knocks on it, rolls over, sometimes chews and licks it, even purring .
The pseudo-hormonal effect lasts just over ten minutes, and is completely natural: it has no negative effects on the animal, unless the cat ingests large quantities, which is very unlikely. After a couple of hours of settling, the cat could again approach it.
Grow catnip
Having catnip at home or in the garden could be a winning weapon for the homeowner, and the cat : in addition to making the furry little happy, catnip could be useful to prevent the cat from bumping into others plants, to prevent other types of "games" and distractions - such as scratches on the sofa or curtains - and to stimulate the perception of the animal.
Moreover, if planted externally, its fragrant flowers attract bees and other pollinating insects, bringing great benefits to the environment and to the ecosystem.
It is a perennial plant that can be sown indoors and in a small greenhouse before the arrival of spring . In late spring, when it no longer freezes, the plants are transplanted and separated, planting them directly in the ground or in jars, if you want to have it at home. It generally does not exceed one meter in height and, for herbal teas or to preserve it, it is harvested already in late spring, early summer.
Curiosity: In humans, nepetalactone is also a good sedative and natural antibacterial sedative: tea or infusion with catnip was very popular for alleviating sleep-related disorders, such as insomnia or states of anxiety. Catnip also exists in herbal medicine, in the form of dried powder or leaflets.