The Neuro-trainer

The Neuro-Trainer is a new professional figure, which in the field of holistic disciplines, deals with developing the innate resources of the individual to favor the achievement of an excellent quality of life and to tackle using the best neurological options, the challenges that the same offers us every day.

The Neuro Trainer uses precision muscle monitoring as the main working tool, present in other kinesiological disciplines, which is supported by a specific and safe procedure. It allows us to identify exactly what the individual needs at that particular moment to overcome both his physical, emotional and naturally spiritual blocks. In fact, it allows us to make our body speak and the Neuro-Trainer and prepared and attentive interlocutor to understand their language and its meanings.

The NEURO-TRAINER guides the person in a path of self-knowledge in which he identifies his priorities and acquires the right energies to overcome what is physical, emotional or otherwise, prevents him from reaching his goals, going to the origin of what it hinders natural progress in life.

So he is a professional who promotes personal growth, improvement and development by providing the right tools to the person.

Furthermore, he knows and applies a variety of techniques that can be performed without tests because they are not suppressive and / or compensatory to guarantee the overall well-being of the person such as Innate Systems.

These are decidedly innovative Neuro-Training techniques derived from the integration of millenary Eastern wisdom with the extraordinary variety of Western culture. They consist in the stimulation of innate structures such as acupressure points, neurolymphatic and neurovascular reflex points, etc. in sequences that restore the body's original functioning.

They are genetic systems that can be trained to function better.

The NEURO-TRAINER guides the person in a path of self-knowledge in which he identifies his priorities and acquires the right energies to overcome what is physical, emotional or otherwise, prevents him from reaching his goals, going to the origin of what it hinders natural progress in life.

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Cervical reflexology

Cervical reflexology

Holistic reflexology ® reflects on the foot each segment of the human body, giving indications of diagnosis and treatment, both from a strictly physical point of view and from an analogical and energetic point of view. Let's see what are the reflex points on the cervical foot and their treatment of plantar reflexology for cervical pains ....

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Walnut oil: all uses and properties

Walnut oil: all uses and properties

In areas where olive oil is not produced, an oil made from walnuts is traditionally made and used. Walnut oil, how you get it The walnut kernels, deprived of the husk, are left to dry for a few days, to then be pressed with a press and cold-pressed. The production of walnut oil is limited to the mountain territories and small productive realities, and the cold pressing is often replaced by the hot one, which gives rise to a less valuable product from a nutritional point of view...