Spring fatigue? 5 herbs to help

It is the lethargy syndrome, and this definition gives a good idea. When spring comes and goes from summer time to sun, getting up in the morning becomes really difficult.

Some remedies like ginseng, eleuterococcus, rhodiola, guarana and schisandra can give us a boost of physical and mental energy to face the new season.

In fact, nocturnal sleep is deep but not very refreshing, so that when the alarm goes off in the morning, you will continue to sleep.

This is the effect of the transition from winter to milder temperatures, the awakening of the metabolism that follows the natural cycles of seasonal alternation and that often does not find our biorhythms aligned.

It is as if the awakening of nature surprised the awakening of the human being to a new cycle of regeneration.

Also the resistance to the fatigue of the day seems to diminish, one feels tired, one feels sluggish, asthenic, deconcentrated and one wishes to be able to sleep even during daylight hours.

The same nature, however, can help us to support our body and its energy levels with 5 herbs.

Ginseng ( Panax Ginseng )

The properties of Ginseng are widely known and often mythologized, so much so that it is considered a masculine root, with invigorating abilities.

With certainty we can say that it is an adaptogen remedy, which strengthens the immune defenses and stimulates physical and mental energies, favoring the release of ACTH, and consequently of cortisol from the adrenal glands, the so-called stress hormone, which improves the psychophysical response of the organism to fatigue.

Stimulant of the central nervous system, it improves the mnemonic functions and increases the capacity of mental concentration. Ginseng is indicated in cases of fatigue, senescence, hypotension .

Ginseng should be taken with caution by those who are on drug therapy with anticoagulants, or with antidepressant drugs as undesired interactions may occur.

How to take Ginseng

• In soft extract: 40 mg per day (to be taken in the first part of the day, since from late afternoon it could cause insomnia)

• In tablets: based on the weight, no more than 2 per day

• In Mother Tincture: 30 drops maximum 2 times a day


Unlike Ginseng, Eleuterococcus is considered a female plant. It has adaptogenic virtues, able to regulate psycho-physical imbalances caused by depressive conditions; it is an excellent corroborative in case of intense physical and mental activity. It stimulates concentration and memory. It restores mental labors.

Eleutherococcus is indicated for under pressure students, for spring mental fatigue, asthenia, for hypotensive conditions, to support in cases of convalescence.

We do not recommend taking Eleutherococcus in people with high blood pressure, diabetes or sleep disorders.

How to take the eleuterococcus

• In Mother Tincture: 30 drops 2 times a day

• In Dry Extract: 4 to 8 grams per day in tablets

Also discover herbal teas against spring fatigue

Rodhiola Rosea

It is traditionally used in Siberia by folk medicine to alleviate the feeling of fatigue. Rodhiola is an adaptogen remedy, which helps the body recover its psychophysical well-being, fighting physical and mental states of asthenia.

In fact some glycosides contained in the rodhiola root are able to influence the levels of dopamine, adrenaline and serotonin, thus improving the chemical condition of our body.

Rodhiola reduces physical fatigue, improves mental performance, has an antidepressant effect, and regulates reactions to stress. It is therefore indicated in cases of psycho-physical asthenia, fatigue, stress, depression and anxiety.

Contraindications are not included, do not exceed in overdoses that can cause states of insomnia.

How to take Rodhiola

• In dry extract: 2-3 tablets a day before meals

• In Mother Tincture: 30 drops 2 times a day

Guarana ( Paullinia cupana )

His drug is the seeds of Paullinia. It is a stimulant of cognitive functions, attention and memory, a general tonic. Containing caffeine, guarana produces an action similar to that of coffee, but thanks to the other components of the phytocomplex, including tannins, the stimulating effect is more prolonged and greater in magnitude than that of caffeine alone.

It is useful in case of intense physical and mental activity ; for conditions of asthenia and stress and in sporting activity. Due to its tannin content it can exert an astringent effect on the intestine.

Use in cases of peptic ulcer is not recommended as it stimulates gastric secretion. It is also not recommended for use under 13-14 years of age, in cases of hypertension, diabetes, hyperthyroidism, insomnia and kidney problems.

How to take Guarana

• In dry extract: 2 capsules in the morning


The plant is a liana rich in red fruits with a sour taste, they are edible and are called " five-flavor berries ", due to their acidity, salt, slightly spicy and with a first sweet and then bitter aftertaste.

Schisandra is an adaptogen remedy for conditions of fatigue, psycho-physical stress, immune deficits. It improves physical and intellectual performance, stimulates vision and hearing, reducing fatigue, helping to recover from convalescent conditions, and regulating reactions to exogenous stress (temperature, noise).

No particular contraindications are recorded even if it is good to avoid their use in case of high blood pressure or gastroesophageal reflux.

How to take on the Schisandra

• In Dry Extract: 1-2 tablets to be taken in the morning

Pimavera, deep cleansing time even through food

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