Mycosis: symptoms, causes and natural remedies
Mycosis: symptoms, causes and natural remedies

Mycosis: symptoms, causes and natural remedies

Fungal infections are infections affecting mycetes , real pathogenic fungi, which involve various parts of the body such as skin, mucous membranes, and nails, but also important organs such as the lungs. They affect both men and animals and some forms can be infectious, so it is good to proceed with a correct prophylaxis...

Bach Flowers and Children

Bach Flowers and Children

Flower Therapy is a natural healing method introduced in the 1930s by the Welsh doctor Edward Bach. It is based on the use of particular wild flower essences to cure emotions and negative moods , personality disorders, disharmonies of the character and physical disorders of psychosomatic origin. It is a sweet and absolutely natural cure, since it considers the human being in its indivisible totality of physical, psychic and spiritual parts, from whose harmony and balance depend the Health and well-being of the person...

Language color: how to interpret it

Language color: how to interpret it

In Chinese medicine and in many other traditional disciplines the language has a value equal to the iris, the wrist, the ear and is a real diagnostic tool. The investigation of the lingual surface has an important value in reading the whole human body. Let's see what the various colors that it can take to the lingual surface and how to interpret them indicate...

Secure attachment with Australian flowers

Secure attachment with Australian flowers

The human being by its nature has the tendency to structure solid emotional ties . According to psychologist John Bowlby , who developed attachment theory , a milestone in the history of psychology, human beings are biologically predisposed to developing intimate relationships from early childhood: the newborn, in fact, establishes a preferential relationship with the figure of care, follows her, is comforted by her closeness, looks for her in moments of stress...

Sleep without snoring with natural remedies

Sleep without snoring with natural remedies

Natural remedies for not snoring vary depending on the causes that cause this discomfort. The snoring , or more simply the pathology of snoring, is contemplated between sleep disorders, and it is not only a harmless nuisance, but a disease that affects indifferently without distinction of sex and age and that among the various consequences brings with it hypertension and heart disease ...

Nutmeg liver: what it means and how to cure it

Nutmeg liver: what it means and how to cure it

We usually associate nutmeg with tasty recipes, béchamel, lasagne, festive lunches. On the other hand, there are cases in which the nutmeg itself is a symbolic image of pathologies, such as the liver , for example. The nutmeg liver is not a recipe for a new dish, but a situation of hepatic distress due to different causes ....

Homeopathy and phytotherapy for dermatological diseases

Homeopathy and phytotherapy for dermatological diseases

Psoriasis It is an affection of the epidermis characterized by maculae, papules or squamous plaques, which are often scaly, localized to the scalp and to the extensor surface of arms and legs. This type of injury is often accentuated in repeated trauma sites such as elbows or knees. The papules or psoriatic plaques are covered with a whitish or silvery micaceous scale, which is easily removed; this type of lesion is due to a marked increase in the number of cells in the basal layer of the epidermis, which reduces cellular replacement time to a few days, causing a lack of cell maturation and a d...

Vitamin D, the sun's vitamin

Vitamin D, the sun's vitamin

by Dr. Fiamma Ferraro, Scienza and editorial staff First of all we must distinguish the vitamin D produced following exposure to the sun from that given with supplements . It is generally not necessary for those who are healthy to worry about avoiding vitamin D produced by exposure to sunlight in reasonable and normal quantities (and not necessarily based on the principle of "the more the better")...

Children: school is beautiful

Children: school is beautiful

The school is beautiful. Many interesting things are learned at school. School is a place full of friends. A lot of colorful and fun objects are used at school. Going to school is an adventure that offers so many discoveries. Children and school get along better if it is put in positive terms. Sometimes, the hostility of children towards school arises from the way they are presented to them by adults...

Improve sexual complicity with yoga

Improve sexual complicity with yoga

Several times during my experience as a teacher I happened to listen to girls or women who wanted to involve husbands or boyfriends who were reluctant to practice; men often hide in front of their friends' yogic invitations not even for real aversion or dislike, but for simple skepticism or shyness believing that their presence is not so important at a couple level...

How to face the arrival of autumn in 7 steps

How to face the arrival of autumn in 7 steps

Autumn is coming, even if the days and temperatures are still summer ones. The colors in nature begin to take on a yellow-orange hue and the hours are getting shorter. The air is clearer and less humid ... September ... For some, the change of season , like many changes, is a difficult time; in fact fatigue, nervousness, mood swings, lowered immune defenses, insomnia may occur...

At each hair its balm

At each hair its balm

In the market there are balms for every type of hair , from volumizing to those that promise more defined curls. Are there really differences between one hair conditioner and another? Which balm do you choose for your hair? How to choose the right conditioner for your hair Today on the market we can find hair conditioners suitable for every need, which promise to give volume, regulate curls, give brightness, protect color: it is useful to choose balm according to the nature of your hair , but no conditioner will have a miraculous effect ...

June 21, National Day against Leukemia, Lymphoma and Myeloma

June 21, National Day against Leukemia, Lymphoma and Myeloma

June 21, the day for the fight against blood diseases Promoted as every year by AIL, the National Day against leukemia, lymphomas and myeloma represents a very important moment of meeting and reflection. It is a time chosen to promote information and attention on the treatment of blood diseases , while at the same time knowing what the progress of scientific research is...

In his day, we discover the benefits of the kiss

In his day, we discover the benefits of the kiss

On July 6th, the International Kissing Day or World Kiss Day is celebrated. The idea of ​​the celebration was born in England in the early nineties. It is a celebration that honors the gesture of sharing by definition , perhaps even less commercialized than Valentine's Day. From formal social relations to the pure act of sharing and exchanging, with all that lies behind pressing one's lips against someone else's or against one's skin. Le...

Chia seeds for hair beauty

Chia seeds for hair beauty

Chia seeds, a natural superfood Whether it is an amazing superfood it has been known for a long time, defined by many as "the greatest vegetable source of Omega 3 present in nature" , the chia is rich in fibers and precious vitamins, in particular vitamin A, vitamin E, vitamin C, vegetable proteins and folic acid, but not only...

How to recognize lice

How to recognize lice

What are lice Millimetric parasitic insects, the head lice, scientifically known as Pediculus humanus capitis , are first of all different compared to animal lice, body lice, clothes and pubic lice. The louse loves to feed on blood on clean, thick and well-washed heads ; widespread even in recent years, it even seems to have become more resistant to some substances or pyrethrum used to fight it...

Renal colic, symptoms and what to do

Renal colic, symptoms and what to do

Some women who have suffered from kidney colics report extremely severe pain, superior to childbirth. The pain is actually excruciating and is often even accompanied by febrile states , and the causes are generally related to the production of stones , crystal formations that can be based on calcium combined with oxalates or phosphates, or formed by thickening of uric acid or of cystine ...

Remedies for toothache in children

Remedies for toothache in children

Teething: what pain relief? Toothache and children, what are the remedies? Teething can cause great discomfort to newborns and the pain can be so intense that it disturbs sleep, appetite and, in general, the serenity of the small child. Sometimes fever and / or intestinal disorders also appear. What to do...

A "vaccine" against headaches

A "vaccine" against headaches

A new cure for headaches From the web pages of Il Corriere the recent news of a kind of "vaccine" useful for headaches and constant headaches. In fact, it is not a real vaccine, although this term appears to be used in various informative reports about it, but of a sort of preventive medicine - a long-lasting therapy based on monoclonal antibodies , capable of curbing the out-of-control action of the Cgrp receptor - so with a puncture every three months this annoying disorder would be eliminated for a long time...

Catarrh in the ears: symptoms, causes, remedies

Catarrh in the ears: symptoms, causes, remedies

Ear catarrh is a common condition in children, but it can also occur in adults. The formation of thick mucus called catarrh in the ear pathways is called in medical jargon effusive media. This term therefore indicates the presence of an inflammation in the middle part of the ear with the presence of mucus in the tympanic case...

How to maintain a bright tan

How to maintain a bright tan

Summer is over , but more and more people are choosing to spend their holidays in September , the sun is milder and the skin tans more slowly and gradually, without burn injuries. When pigmentation occurs in this milder mode the advantage is also that it lasts longer, because the epidermis becomes more slowly peeling...

World Diabetes Day 2014: prevention and diagnosis

World Diabetes Day 2014: prevention and diagnosis

World Diabetes Day 2014 World Diabetes Day is an initiative promoted by the International Diabetes Federation and recognized by the UN. In Italy, it is the largest awareness-raising and information event on diabetes . In our country the initiatives are coordinated by the Diabete Italia association. Thousands of volunteer doctors, nurses and patients participate in the organization of World Diabetes Day...

Understanding emotions in the child

Understanding emotions in the child

Emotional intelligence is that special ability that allows us to manage emotions ; it is important and must be cultivated since birth. Often, as parents, we focus mainly on the development of cognitive skills, but we must never forget that the emotional component is equally important and should not be underestimated...

How to take lice

How to take lice

Hair lice If you are a mother with children in kindergarten or school , then sooner or later the doubt of "having taken" lice in the family can assail you, especially if your baby starts scratching his head often. First of all, it is important to know that these tiny parasitic insects, which feed on the blood of their hosts, are animals without wings, therefore unable to jump ...

Spleen and Mononucleosis

Spleen and Mononucleosis

In the case of some infectious diseases the spleen responds actively swelling . We are talking about splenomegaly : a particular case is given by mononucleosis, but also by other bacterial infections such as syphilis, malaria, or by very serious pathologies such as neoplasms such as leukemia and lymphoma...

Remedies against stress from re-entry

Remedies against stress from re-entry

Find yourself, lost, at home. One sleeps little and badly, one is tired, listless, apathetic. The headache appears inexplicably. After all you know, it's all the fault of the holidays that are over ! Let's see how to react well and quickly against the symptoms of stress coming back, thanks to small tricks and natural cures that will get you back into shape and naturally healthy in a short time...

How to rest well

How to rest well

At one point in their lives, some people may suffer from insomnia or have trouble falling asleep . Insomnia can manifest itself in different ways: - not being able to fall asleep or take more time than normal; - to wake up during the night and not be able to fall asleep again; - wake up too early and stay awake; - to have restless nights wake up and go back to sleep afterwards...

Bach flower remedies for children's educational problems

Bach flower remedies for children's educational problems

Bach Flowers are a remedy particularly suitable for children, since they do not have any side effects, they are not addictive and there is no possibility of overdosing. The children, in turn, are among the best users of the Flowers, because they react quickly and without conditioning. Not many adults respond to treatment so immediately...

How to cure gout

How to cure gout

Gout manifests itself with inflammatory symptoms affecting the joints; it is in fact due to alterations in the metabolism of purines. Purine is a chemical compound naturally present in the body, which constitutes DNA and serves for the normal life cycle of cells. When purine is not metabilized, it accumulates in the blood and forms urate crystals, especially near the joints ...

Cure the stye: the 10 most effective remedies

Cure the stye: the 10 most effective remedies

Perhaps few know it, but those who have had it know its annoyance and inconvenience. We are talking about stye , a formation that appears on the eyelids and can temporarily affect vision , so it can negatively affect our days . Usually, in milder cases, it goes by itself in a few days . However, there are some natural remedies that can speed up the healing process and mitigate the symptoms...

Do you also suffer from insomnia?  Here are the causes

Do you also suffer from insomnia? Here are the causes

The white nights: a prerogative only of mothers with newborns (in fact mothers in general) or common problem? I would say "good the second". Many of us suffer from nsomnia , and spend nights counting millions of sheep, reading long books or even ironing because we don't make noise and carry on with work for tomorrow...

Children and adults in the game of life

Children and adults in the game of life

Children are movement. In preschool, through the movement , the child discovers the world and making the movement his own, the child discovers a treasure, his world. Attending primary school first and then the child and the child, through the movement, enter into relationship with others: the movement therefore is no longer just a discovery of the world, it becomes a relationship, it takes on a social meaning...

Insomnia and depression: which link?

Insomnia and depression: which link?

Was the chicken or the egg born first? I don't sleep and I fall into depression or am I depressed and then I don't sleep ? Let's analyze the two disorders and understand their correlation, because in fact the relationships can be ambivalent and eventually trigger a self- perpetuating vicious circle ...

Remedies for gastroesophageal reflux in newborns

Remedies for gastroesophageal reflux in newborns

Gastroesophageal reflux is the passage of stomach contents into the esophagus, with evidence of vomiting or regurgitation. It is good to distinguish it from gastroesophageal reflux disease , a pathological condition in which there are a series of symptoms due to reflux and frequent episodes of vomiting: inflammation of the esophagus, bronchospasm, apneas and weight loss...

Large companies and the freezing of eggs for employees

Large companies and the freezing of eggs for employees

The Silicon Valley egg race He made the decision of some big companies talk a lot, they have long since decided to rely on medical science and technology to "help" women and possible future mothers in career . How? Freezing the eggs! Let's see what it is. Comes directly from Silicon Valley , in particular from Facebook and Apple, the idea and the proposal to pay the proceedings to allow female employees to freeze eggs in the eventuality and possibility of having children in a future moment...

Human energy and energy medicine

Human energy and energy medicine

What is energy medicine? In a living being there is matter and energy: if there were no energy, matter would not be living; if the energy were altered, there would be a disease. Energy medicine studies and treats this energy present in humans. How does our energy originate? From cellular respiration...

Women and sisterhood circles

Women and sisterhood circles

From Switzerland, Anna Lodigiani has moved into the world to then head to Sicily, the other extreme head, with Donna Luna 's sisterhood circles, which will extend into other Italian cities in the future. Anna has red hair and strong hands, her body is also strong and a certain decision in her eyes, which you don't expect when it opens up to sweetness...

Vaginitis and candidiasis: what differences

Vaginitis and candidiasis: what differences

Gynecological problems are widespread and due to multiple causes: stress, fatigue, lowered immune defenses, nutrition, hormonal changes, infections with unprotected sexual intercourse, antibiotics . It is important to accurately diagnose the symptoms from the trusted gynecologist to activate proper prophylaxis with specific medications...

The watsu for children: massage the "human cubs" in the water

The watsu for children: massage the "human cubs" in the water

Teacher of watsu, recognized by Waba International and Watsu Italia, and of systemic yoga, Lisa Bertoni was born into a family of travelers and has always nurtured an important curiosity towards life itself. Graduated in Communication Sciences, she has over 10 years of experience working with babies, children and disabled people...

The opening of the VII chakra: reawakening the connection with universal energy

The opening of the VII chakra: reawakening the connection with universal energy

The seventh chakra or Sahasrara connects us with the universal energy: from it is channeled Light of knowledge and awareness of one's being, of serenity and perception of Unity in the Whole. The expansion of consciousness and the understanding of reality that derive from the opening of the seventh chakra take place through a path of connection with oneself and with the force that flows through the channels of the body, from the base of the spine to the top of the head...

Soul pulling

Soul pulling

What makes the difference between one person and another is his physical mold and his soul mold. The soul has pure, sweet and refined qualities combined with enormous power, it is contained within the body, and affects its being and its existence. You can easily look at someone and guess without any doubt if it is full of life force and vitality: it is active, it has bright eyes, it looks to the future, its smile is shining and it is fully present, while in a person without life force we see that his soul has no energy or is completely blocked, tired, bent, his eyes are in constant motion, look...