Mistletoe: properties, use, contraindications

Curated by Maria Rita Insolera, Naturopath

Mistletoe is a rather versatile medicinal plant as it is useful in cases of hypertension and gastrointestinal problems, but also an immunotherapeutic agent against cancer. Let's find out better.

Properties and benefits of Mistletoe

Mistletoe is a pinata with important therapeutic properties, among which the best known is the anticancer one. In fact, this plant would have the ability to act as an immunotherapeutic agent against cancer.

However, mistletoe is also known for its effects on the regulation of the circulatory system .

Mistletoe is useful against high blood pressure, because it is able to improve blood supply to the brain and heart and stimulates diuresis .

Mistletoe is also useful for alleviating gastrointestinal problems, reducing stress, and resolving cases of respiratory diseases. It has sedative properties, because it soothes palpitations and nervousness.

Mistletoe is considered a good remedy against arteriosclerosis, because it manages to stem the formation of atherosclerotic plaques, which can narrow or obstruct the arteries. Therefore it is indicated in patients who have had thrombosis or cerebral embolism to prevent other episodes.

Mistletoe performs a useful haemostatic action in case of irregularities in the cycle, heavy menstruation and uterine bleeding.

Mistletoe has an anti-inflammatory action useful for reducing rheumatic pains and against sciatica. The plant also contains many useful substances for health, such as mucilage, amines, tannins, antioxidants and caffeic acid.

Method of use

Mistletoe uses both the berries and the branches of the young plant to obtain herbal teas or buds.

  • Prepare the mistletoe tea by boiling a cup of water to which you will then add a teaspoon of officinal herb. Keep the cup covered leaving it to infuse for about 10 minutes, then strain and heat it. It is possible to consume 2-3 cups a day, between meals, avoiding exceeding the recommended dose.
  • The Viscum album MG is the gemmoderivatao, to be taken 1 to 3 times a day in the dose of 30-50 drops diluted in a little water.

The mistletoe among the herbal remedies for hypertension: discover the others

Contraindications of Mistletoe

The mistletoe presents some contraindications both in case of hypersensitivity ascertained towards some components of the plant and when taking anticoagulant drugs, immunosuppressants and antidepressants. It is therefore advisable to consult a doctor before taking this product.

In addition, the mistletoe also has a certain toxicity, so the doses must always be controlled, bearing in mind that the berries are more toxic than the leaves and stems. The berries, in fact, if ingested in abundance, can cause vomiting and diarrhea.

Description of the plant

Mistletoe ( Viscum album ) is a parasitic plant belonging to the Loranthaceae family. This plant grows on other trees (especially broad-leaved trees such as oak) clinging to their branches, invading their bark and absorbing the nutrients of the plant that hosts it.

In this way the mistletoe seriously damages the plant causing deformity in its structure. Mistletoe is characterized by oblong and leathery leaves about 2 cm wide placed two by two along the branch. Mistletoe has yellow flowers and fruits with white or yellowish translucent spherical berries and with a gelatinous and sticky interior.

Mistletoe habitat

The mistletoe is frequent in the hills up to an altitude of 1100-1300 m. It develops on the woody branches of different species of Quercus, Castanea sativa and Olea europea. Widespread, it can be found from Portugal to Iran, from the Scandinavian Peninsula to Sicily.


According to a Celtic legend , mistletoe kept away misfortunes and diseases . Even today it is considered a symbol of good luck during the Christmas period and it is in fact common practice to greet the arrival of the new year by kissing under one of its branches.

The mistletoe among the herbal remedies against diabetes: discover the others

The use of mistletoe in the anthroposophical diet

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