Microbiological therapy, description and use

Microbiological therapy uses microbes for healing purposes against intestinal problems, metabolic dysfunctions and allergies. Let's find out better.


What is microbiological therapy?

Microbiological therapy is a type of alternative therapy that uses microbes for healing purposes. Louis Pasteur, a French chemist, biologist and microbiologist, has studied and diffused this type of therapy since the 19th century and it can be said that, thanks to his discoveries and his research activity, he is universally considered the founder of modern microbiology. The word microbiology comes from the Greek mīkros, "small"; bios, "life" Logia, "study": is a branch of biology that studies the structure and functions of microorganisms. In addition to bad microbes, which can cause even fatal diseases, there are also good ones. With this therapy, we start from the assumption that microbes are everywhere, even in the body; the immune system is prepared to fight them, but it also strengthens through them, knowing them and adapting accordingly, something that had already been known for some time in the millenary Chinese medicine .

How does it work?

Microbiological therapy generally works through microbiological remedies and principles that derive from classical microbiology and involves the administration of live and / or inactivated microbes and / or related components. The administration can take place in various ways, depending on the uses and fields of action: for example, there are autovaccines that are prepared by the bacteria of the person to be treated. Here we are in the field of medical microbiology and virology.

Also the so-called probiotic remedies are intended to increase and promote good intestinal flora. Food probiotics also exist, which are foods enriched with good microbes, such as probiotic yoghurts. These can also be bought as herbal supplements or parapharmacy supplements. There is also environmental micrology, which deals with the action of bacteria on the environment, exploited above all in the ecological field.

What ailments microbiological therapy cures

Microbiological therapy lends itself to the treatment of many diseases and disorders. It is effective in regularizing the evacuation, as in the case of diarrhea or constipation, when one is debilitated by illness or fever, to regularize the metabolism. This therapy stimulates the entire immune system and supports the body's natural defenses. It also works in case of allergies, fungal infections, rashes, infections. We are using a lot in the field of dental therapies, so we talk about oral microbiology.

Who is microbiological therapy designed for?

Microbiological therapy is designed for those who want to try an alternative cure, to source chronic diseases or who can become, such as allergies, psychosomatic disorders, eczema, rhinitis, sinusitis, otitis, tonsillitis and angina or other chronic respiratory system infections, but not only. It is also useful for infections of the genital and urinary tracts or of the intestine. It is a useful therapy for those who want to regulate the Ph of the organism, starting with gentle therapies, such as the use of food probiotics.

The law in Italy and abroad

In Italy microbiology remains a field of study still open and expanding, many studies are carried out on the many types of bacteria present, even in Italy. It is a therapy widely used in countries like Germany, understood in its specialization as "natural medical treatment". The application of these methodologies in the medical field requires in any case a specific training on the part of the operators and the institutes in charge.

Associations and reference bodies

In Italy there is the Italian Society of Microbiology, the Amcli, the Italian Cllinic Microbiology Association, while in Germany there is Arbeitskreis für Mikrobiologische Therapie eV (Microbiological Therapy Research Association).

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