Among the books on nutrition, to begin with, or to have a complete text to consult on every occasion, simple and clear, on nutritional principles, metabolism, foods, dietetics, hygiene, cooking and food preservation:
- The Kousmine method. Healthy nutrition, supply of vitamins and minerals, intestinal hygiene, psychological implications (1993) by N. Courson.
Dr. Kousmine's method is illustrated by a group of Kousminian medical doctors: starting from the assumption that the responsibility for illnesses is due to our eating errors, we can correct these habits and restore the right balance of assimilation and evacuation functions.
- The food handbook (2007) by Claudia Moriondo
For the point on contemporary nutrition by Jean-Pierre Poulain, who approaches it with a new scientific approach, between the sociology of consumption and reflection on body techniques:
- Food, culture and society (2008) by Jean-Pierre Poulain
For a proper course of proper nutrition it is advisable to download for free and read or see with video convenience.
- Natural Food - Vol. 1 (2009) by Valdo Vaccaro.
A practical manual of natural hygiene that indicates veganism, fruitarianism and raw food as ideal and definitive diets for man.
- The China Study - Book (2011) by Thomas M. Campbell, T. Colin Campbell
The most complete study on nutrition with objective, scientific and independent information of great value, of maximum utility and effective application.
- The nutrition that can prevent and cure our diseases (2014) by Roberto Gava
" The real diet, the one that is good for the person, must be adapted not only to the physiological, pathological and constitutional reality of the person, but also to the social, working, family and especially toxicological reality ". (author's note)
- Guidelines for healthy nutrition of INRAN (National Research Institute for Food and Nutrition)