Feeling tired all the time, getting up with the feeling that the day is hard to deal with, moving forward in a sluggish fashion throughout the day and getting exhausted from bed, rejecting invitations, feeling depressed by this state of perennial energy shortage
This condition of constant tiredness is due to an alteration of the balance that we should always keep in the chest, in the organs, in the lucid and peaceful mind. Let's find out how to cure it.

Symptoms of fatigue
The feeling of general fatigue often also accompanies acceleration of the heartbeat, sleep disturbances (insomnia, sleep apnea, etc.), muscle pain, stomach ulcer, diarrhea, stomach cramps, colitis, thyroid malfunction, difficulty in expressing even concepts that you possess, a feeling of boredom with every situation, frequent need to urinate, change of voice, hyperactivity, mental confusion, irritability, lowering of the immune defenses.
When fatigue becomes the normal condition we speak of chronic fatigue, which can lead to a condition of debilitating desperation. The reasons that lead to conditions of chronic fatigue are many and this is why therapy requires so much effort and that it is of a strongly holistic type, or that takes into account all the physical, psychic, spiritual, emotional and habits rooted in style patient's life.
Fatigue may depend on physical causes, such as stress and illness, but also on psychological grounds . In the first case, the factors that most affect our body, generating the feeling of general fatigue, are:
- Weight problems, both excessive and overweight thinness
- More or less serious diseases (diabetes, anemia, cancer, infections, hyperthyroidism, etc.) and the consequent healing treatments
- Poor physical fitness
- Pregnancy and breastfeeding
- Changes in the normal sleep-wake cycle
In the second case, however, fatigue arises from problems in the mental sphere, such as:
- Concerns and stress
- Depression
- Insomnia
There are no specific exams for the disorder, but they are used to rule out other factors that could generate fatigue.
Possible factors to be excluded include dominant causes of fatigue such as sleep apnea, narcolepsy, various endocrine disorders (eg hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism), unresolved hepatitis B or C, alcohol, drug or other substance abuse, severe obesity, systemic erythematous lupus, drug-related side effects , immune disorders, eating disorders or major depressants.
Natural cures for fatigue
Fatigue is a disorder that must be approached in a comprehensive way, especially considering the psychosomatic aspect.
Nutrition can make a big contribution. It is important that the foods used have the maximum nutritional power and are therefore alive, fresh and organic . All packaged foods, those rich in refined sugar or synthetic sweeteners and greenhouse food will therefore be excluded to exclude the presence of food additives, solvents and pesticides that could worsen the organism's detoxification capacity.
The diet should be as close as possible to the Mediterranean diet, rich in whole grains, legumes, small fish, oilseeds, extra virgin olive oil, vegetables and seasonal organic fruit. A diet with foods rich in magnesium helps to improve the symptoms of fatigue: peas, green vegetables, almonds, peanuts and cocoa.
It will be important to balance your blood sugar during the day to prevent hypoglycemic episodes from causing or worsening the feeling of fatigue.
Essential the functionality of the liver : when it decreases its detoxifying capacity the whole organism is affected and a worsening of the symptoms could occur with fatigue and widespread tiredness.
A good intestinal bacterial flora is also important: in the case of dysbiosis (alteration of intestinal bacterial flora) there is an increased intestinal permeability in which there is an abnormal passage of toxins in the rest of the body.
This phenomenon can be caused by poor diet and food intolerances and by rebalancing the intestinal environment there are also improvements in the nervous and immune systems.
There are also natural energizing teas that are used to recharge your batteries in a period of exhaustion, fatigue and fatigue.
You can learn more about fatigue

Herbal remedies for fatigue
The plants used to support a situation of tiredness and psychophysical exhaustion increase fatigue resistance, regulate metabolic functions, and improve cognitive abilities.
These plants are a valid aid to fight also the loss of libido and sexual asthenia in both sexes.
This category includes plant adaptogens, plants that are precious resources of the medical traditions of the whole world with a tonic and stimulating action.
- Properties of ginseng ( Panax ginseng : reduces the perception of fatigue and brings energy and vitality. Its roots, such as those of Eleuterococcus ( Eleuterococcus senticosus ), improve the body's response to the stimuli of everyday life, enhance physical resistance to factors negative environmental conditions, favoring recovery capacities;
- Rhodiola: ( Rhodiola rosea ) extremely effective for fighting fatigue, fatigue, improves the quality of sleep, and has a cardioprotective effect, useful in states of surmenage, with tachycardia, palpitations, anxiety and nervousness;
- Açai: ( Euterpe oleracea ) the presence of precious revitalizing nutrients makes this fruit a valid remedy for improving the general energy levels of our body, helping to counteract fatigue and stress;
- Schisandra: ( Schizandra chinensis ) used in conditions of physical and mental fatigue, but also as an antioxidant in the case of metabolic disorders predominantly affecting the liver, it is used against aging in general, especially in the case of excessive expenditure of energy; it can be used at all ages, even by young people subjected to physical or mental stress.
Among the gemmoderivates, that of the Birch Seeds (Betula verrucosa) is a tonic of the nervous system, particularly indicated in the period of examinations and as a general stimulant in the presence of psychophysical asthenia, associated with that of the Oak (Quercus pedunculata) in the case of surmenage and fatigue.
Among the herbal remedies there are also some useful medicinal mushrooms for fatigue, such as Reishi and Cordyceps. These help the body and the psyche to recover well-being, improving the quality of sleep, energy and mood.
Find out what other natural energizers are
Bach flowers for fatigue
The use of Bach flowers helps restore energy and renewed enthusiasm, in periods of weakness, exhaustion and mental fatigue. The flower remedies are able to re-establish the balance both physically and psychically, intervening on the emotional causes that prevent the body from recovering energy through rest, which can be traced more often to prolonged states of psycho-physical stress, inability to to recognize one's limits, due to an excessive sense of duty or too many commitments to be completed.
- Olives : it is the flower of regeneration, in case of weakness, fatigue, lack of energy, drowsiness and total exhaustion of one's physical, mental, emotional resources, due to prolonged stress. The remedy gives a new physical and mental energy.
- Oak : it is the remedy of tiredness due to an excessive sense of duty that does not allow us to recognize the moment to stop and rest and this leads to a state of chronic fatigue. The flower helps to understand the importance of relaxing, of resting; urges the desire to take the deserved breaks, softening the sense of duty.
- Elm : it is the remedy of the temporary fatigue that affects those who have taken on excessive commitments, which go beyond their own strength. Help to find enthusiasm to recover lost energy.
- Hornbeam : the remedy for mental fatigue that does not prevent people from working, but leads to constantly doubting their own ability to succeed. This condition is due to the excessive use of the mind at the expense of the body, to the point of experiencing fatigue, fatigue and refusal for work. The flower helps to rebalance the energy, so that it is not dispersed; supports in the daily struggle against stress and helps to sleep well, allowing the mind to regenerate. Promotes the recovery of physical potential, enthusiasm.
- Centaury: it is the remedy for the tiredness of those who, out of excess of generosity, sometimes for true altruism, exhaust all their energy without obtaining any express recognition for their efforts and qualities. Hypersensitive to the needs of others and unable to impose themselves on others, he cannot say no to anyone. He denies his needs to the point of feeling deeply emptied: as there is no exchange, his Self does not receive energy and becomes increasingly weak and tired. The remedy helps to affirm one's personality by adopting a more balanced attitude towards others.
Also from the Australian flowers comes a valid aid against fatigue. In particular, the Energy compound is useful during the phases of convalescence, during periods of overwork, intense physical or mental activity (work, study), at the change of season.
Traditional Chinese Medicine
In traditional Chinese medicine, each organ of the body has a psychic content, which means that we also store mental energies within the body. Fatigue arises from energy imbalances, intoxication and malfunctioning organs that damage mental energy: for example, an intoxicated liver diminishes the strength of decisions. In addition to the Liver meridians, it is useful to treat those of the Heart and Spleen. Acupuncture mobilizes the qi, the energy of the Liver, and reassures the shen, through work on these points:
- SHEN MEN (on the crook of the wrist), which tones and regulates cardial qi;
- XING JIANG (between the big toe and the second toe), which tones and regulates the Liver, and cools the Blood;
- FENG LONG (between the lower edge of the kneecap and the vertex of the external malleolus), which dissolves moisture, mobilizes the qi of the Spleen and Stomach, calms the shen and promotes the descent of the Yang .
Aromatherapy for fatigue
The essences that have a tonic action are used to counteract the states of fatigue and help the body both physically and psychically in situations of energy depletion. If inhaled, through environmental diffusion (1 drop per square meter of the place where you stay) or 10 drops in the bath for stimulating baths, revitalize mind and body, infusing a new energy charge.
- Rosemary essential oil : it is a cardiotonic, for this reason it is indicated in case of asthenia, low blood pressure, weakness and tiredness, even mental. It is an excellent nerve tonic that activates memory, calms nerves and revitalizes.
- Essential ginger oil : it has a tonic action on the whole body. It balances the energies that are not in harmony; helps wake up and warm the dormant senses, improves concentration and judgment.
- Thyme essential oil : it has a tonic action on the nervous and restorative system of the whole body. It is useful in cases of physical and mental fatigue, headache, fatigue. Improves memory and brain activity.
- Sylvan pine essential oil : helps you to feel efficient immediately upon awakening. For the stimulating action it is indicated in cases of hypotension and heart failure. It is used to reduce the sense of tiredness in people who are tired or under stress. Useful in case of sleep disorders or nervous exhaustion.
Homeopathic medicines that treat stress are divided into two categories: somatic-acting and deep-acting medicines .
In case you are recovering from intense mental efforts or intense period of psychological pressure, take Phosphoricum acidum 7 CH, 5 granules 2 times a day for 3 weeks; will help you replenish energy.
Two or three doses of Kali phosphoricum at 30 CH could be effective in the case of nervous energy or mental and physical depression. The prescription of these homeopathic remedies must be made by the therapist after an accurate analysis of the patient's disorders and lifestyle.
Exercises in case of tiredness
Chronic fatigue is an energy deficiency that lasts over time and is due to an alteration of that balance that we should always keep in the chest, in the organs, in the lucid and peaceful mind.
Fatigue is often accompanied by an acceleration of the heartbeat, sleep disturbances (insomnia, sleep apnea, etc.), muscle aches, stomach ulcers, diarrhea, stomach cramps, colitis, thyroid malfunction, difficulty in expressing even concepts that you have, a feeling of boredom with every situation, frequent need to urinate, change of voice, hyperactivity, mental confusion, irritability, lowering of the immune system.
For chronic fatigue, a highly holistic approach is required, that is, that takes into account all the physical, psychic, spiritual, emotional and habits rooted in the patient's lifestyle.
The tiredness in the sportsman is different, often linked to the accumulation of lactic acid, a by-product of anaerobic metabolism that does not serve the muscles.
It is important to bring the muscles to a state of relaxation whenever possible, in order to allow the blood to carry the lactate away and to supply the tissues with oxygen necessary for the efficiency of the aerobic metabolism. Avoid using any product that "promises" to facilitate the elimination of the acid.
A good massage is useful to combat fatigue. When it is a temporary phenomenon and not a symptom of serious situations, you can perform a light and invigorating massage for the body, in order to stimulate and infuse vitality. Then make quick light strokes in the direction of the venous flow, always towards the heart. Then massage the arms and legs from the ends upwards and across the back from the lumbar area to the shoulders. Afterwards you can switch to a deeper massage, with pressure on the muscular planes at a more lively pace.
Fatigue in athletes can also be a consequence of very intense and short-term exercise, a condition that produces a decrease in muscle glycogen.
Attention also to overheating of the body and dehydration.
The heat that is generated with the motor activity is brought from the muscles to the skin to be then dissipated, thanks to the circulatory system. At the same time the blood is engaged for the energetic and metabolic demand of the muscles under stress. The result is a double use that overheats the body and dehydrates it (worse if the training environment is damp).
Another fundamental exercise, together with that of the "rite of hydration": respect your personal and very intimate sleep-wake cycle.
Avoid maintaining the same position for too long during the day.
Devote yourself to meditation, to relaxing disciplines such as yoga and qi gong. Allow yourself the chance to explore the size of the body; try to inhabit it with new awareness, be it through theater, dance, improvisation.
With the collaboration of Veronica Pacella for nutrition, Alessandra Romeo for phytotherapy, flower therapy, aromatherapy.