Panic attacks: useful natural symptoms and therapies

In fact, the panic attack comes at a time when the energy freezes and this is usually the result of a longer process. Energy freezes and fails to flow, to express itself .

Often it happens paradoxically when in excess. The psychological component is predominant and regards adherence to one's passions, to deep desires.

The sphere touched is also that of generosity and love for oneself, even in complex phases of life. Repressing these energies means not having to deal with primordial forces that somehow know how to find an outlet anyway.

How to deal with the panic attack by recognizing the symptoms

The panic attack can manifest itself in fear of passing out, having immediate sweat, chills, a sense of suffocation: these are all signs of life that it wants to manifest.

Different natural therapies in this sense help a lot, but first of all to face the panic attack we need to get closer to ourselves, being aware that the path is not made of a couple of steps but it takes patience to go inside, discover a core. It always starts from the present, from the analysis of the current sentimental situation (if you feel crushed, flattened, not understood), work, family.

If strong interests are suffocated, they change into the body into something that still seeks an outlet; we must allow ourselves a total expression, which seems simple to say, but in fact, also because of social conventions and imposed rhythms, the road is not downhill, and in part it has always been like this in all ages.

The first real revolutionary step is to understand that the panic attack does not hinder but signals, does not interrupt but means the will to feed a flow.

Bach flowers are also used to treat panic attacks

Panic attacks: the benefits of natural therapies

The first natural therapy is to go inside yourself. How you do it? Meditation : it is a matter of letting calm down to the level of the solar plexus and spreading it throughout the body, it is a matter of truly understanding that agitation does not favor but complicates.

Often panic attacks are linked to fears such as fear of death, one's own or others'. In a rational sense, death is inevitable. But those who have an emotional center that travels very quickly do not even listen to this truth. Then we must return to the body as a transitory means that allows us to have this experience and not another, to live fully or not.

At the base of the attacks there is often also a lack of some mineral, it can be for example the case of magnesium. If you are experiencing a moment of strong anxiety, your iron and vitamin B levels, which are important for the synthesis of tryptophan in serotonin, a neurotransmitter that stabilizes mood, can also be reduced.

If these deficiencies are identified with the help of a nutritionist or a naturopath or kinseiologist, an adequate dietary supplement can be implemented.

Coming back into one's body through gentle motor disciplines that favor the relationship with one's breathing is another way that accelerates the process.

You can learn more about tai chi, yoga - but lived with a good guide and without competition with yourself - or practices like qi gong; also the feldenkrais is very beneficial.

In other cases it may be more appropriate to engage in an aerobic sporting activity with a certain regularity: in this swimming is stunning: contact with water allows to limit fears, remove them, transform them .

SOS panic attacks: a useful breathing exercise

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