Dog Rose of the Wild Forces, Australian flower remedy

Curated by Daniela Galbiati, naturopath

Dog Rose of the Wild Forces is an Australian flower remedy derived from the Bauera sessiliflora . Promotes calm and emotional balance and is supportive in post-traumatic stress disorders . Let's find out better.

Description of the plant

Bauera sessiliflora - Belongs to the Saxifragaceae family, commonly known as 'showy dog ​​rose' for its bright magenta flowers, or Bauera dei Grampiani (state of Victoria), an area that is colored during September to December . Evergreen bushy shrub that reaches even more than 2 meters high and wide.

Thick and erect trunk, compact thickly branched foliage, small, hairy leaves, in groups of six. It grows close to the water, like Dog Rose, but its flowers are erect and attached to the stem, unlike Dog Rose whose flowers are falling.

Near Dog Rose of the Wild Forces often grows a tall and thick fern, with a big stem, almost like a safety net that the plant makes available to those who need it, preventing them from falling, like the essence itself it acts as a support allowing us to abandon ourselves with confidence to the course of things and to life.


I am now completely calm and serene. I can control my life and my actions. I always act for my absolute good and that of others.

Owned by Dog Rose of the Wild Forces

  • For the most intense, turbulent, overwhelming fears. For the fear of losing control and self-control in emotionally charged situations or in which you are overwhelmed by the bustle and external emotion, for example in crowded places.
  • For the feeling of 'walking on the razor's edge', with the fear of bursting, losing self-control, favoring calm and emotional balance
  • Provides the safety net that allows you to deal with a situation.
  • It can relieve physical pain that seems to have no obvious cause. Supportive in post-traumatic stress disorder
  • Dog Rose of the Wild Forces is contained in the Emergency Compound . In the Love System line it is in Emergency spray body and environment, Emergency cream, Intensive hand cream and wonderful nails

Interview with Ian White, the creator of Australian Bush Flower Essences

Preparation and use

In a 30 ml bottle combine naturale natural water and ¼ brandy for storing the product; add 7 drops for each chosen flower. This personal mixture is taken 7 drops under the tongue, morning and evening, upon awakening and before sleeping.

The drops can also be applied locally as well, combined with neutral cream as a carrier, in the bath water or vaporized in the environment to create a harmonious place.

They can also be prepared without brandy making sure they do not degrade (if necessary, the preparation is repeated). They can be diluted in a little water or herbal teas, even for children.

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