Kombu algae, rich in potassium and phosphorus, is very useful both for strengthening the immune system and for promoting blood circulation and fluid drainage . Let's find out better.

Description of the alga
Brown seaweed belonging to the Feoficee family, the kombu seaweed (its scientific name is Laminaria japonica ) is a Japanese seaweed also well known with the names, dashima, dasima, haidai, fuco .
Also known as sea cabbage, kombu seaweed is dark brown in color and is harvested by hand in the waters off the southeastern coast of Hokkaido, Japan. It is also found in the seas of northern Europe, particularly in Brittany ( Laminaria digitata ).
Benefits of kombu seaweed
In addition to the antioxidant effect, it has been shown that the regular intake of this food improves the health of the hair, helps in the detoxification and purification process, strengthens the immune system.
Regular use of seaweed improves the digestive process, blood circulation and prevents constipation. Thanks to alginic acid, intestinal purification is helped.
It is rich in iodine and therefore stimulates the metabolism and helps burn calories: it is an excellent ally in anti-cholesterol diets. Among the vitamins it contains A, B1, B2 and C. Calcium, potassium, magnesium and phosphorus among the minerals. It is rich in glutamic acid, so it flavor dishes in a healthy and natural way.
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Property and use
Kombu is an algae rich in potassium, phosphorus, laminaria, alginates and iodine, among others. Its benefits are many: it increases the basal metabolism, can promote blood circulation, regulate blood pressure and drain liquids .
Excellent for detoxifying, kombu seaweed also contains glutamic acid. It is often used in cooking legumes as it makes them softer and more digestible and in the preparation of broths and soups . It is also eaten dried, flaked and powdered, as well as a supplement. Kombu seaweed is easily found in Japanese grocery stores or organic or specialty food stores.
Contraindications of kombu seaweed
It should not be taken during pregnancy, lactation and in the case of metabolic disorders; in any case, you should consult your doctor first. Be careful not to overdo it: the hyper- dosing of kombu seaweed has side effects, such as hyperthyroidism, hypertension , tachycardia, irritability and insomnia.