Meditation, benefits and all practices

Be it lying down, standing, a lotus flower or any other position, meditation serves to create an intact space within itself, with which to communicate in every moment.

We offer a selection of meditation techniques, from Christian to transcendental or Taoist, passing through the nuances that characterize the various Buddhist meditations.

What is meditation?

Meditation is a word that comes from the Latin meditatio, or "reflection"; it is a practice of concentrating the mind on one or more objects, images, thoughts, or even on nothing, for religious, spiritual, philosophical purposes.

Meditation is essentially a method of getting to know oneself and working with oneself that is practiced by entering a state of deep inner peace that occurs when the mind is calm and silent ; the major religions of the world, many modern western psychologies and eastern cultures or other humanistic disciplines use forms of meditation and reflection on the interior life.

Meditation can be used as a simple relaxation technique or as a profound means for the growth of awareness and spirituality therefore as a form of self-care. There are many differences between existing meditation techniques and the purposes of meditation.

Get inside yourself with meditation

It is not always easy to make an intact passage within oneself that brings an oasis of peace and harmony, not understood as absence or poverty, but, on the contrary, as a place of fullness and balance . Meditation can be approached in various ways; some techniques are linked to spirituality and millenary religions, others have merged traditional elements with innovative factors to mitigate daily stress.

Meditation is also good for the body; it is not an abstract and dubious form of asceticism, but a path that is built day by day, a vehicle that leads to improvement and travels on the tracks of silence merged with inner listening .

How does it work?

To meditate it is sufficient to have a quiet place and time to devote to oneself. Once you have chosen the right room or place to meditate, you usually sit cross-legged or in the lotus position, you are on an empty stomach, preferring sunrise and sunset as moments of the day, with your back straight, neck and head naturally erect, eyes are closed.

You can start meditating starting from a few minutes, for example 15 minutes, to get to hours. To promote the position of the back, you can sit on a cushion or folded blanket. trying to minimize interruptions.

One breathes deeply and the universal or individual mantra is repeated, one meditates in a personal way, alone or in groups, choosing one of the many meditation techniques, such as Islamic meditation, Christian meditation, Islamic meditation, Buddhist meditation, according to Veda and the Upanisads, therefore Indian, the Tao and others.

Usually the meditative technique consists of three phases: deep breathing, a first phase that serves to calm the mind; the chanting of the mantra, to arouse positive feelings and rebalance the psychic waves; the real meditative phase, a silent and concentration phase which consists in withdrawing the mind from thoughts about external objects and letting it all flow, making an aptitude for self-awareness and self-observation.

The benefits of meditation

The benefits of meditation on the pathological conditions of the body are now well known and exist in full literatures and solid scientific evidence. We would like you to reflect on the fact that at the US National Library of Medicine there are many studies published in indexed medical-scientific journals and among these at least 2600 refer to meditative techniques applied to patients.

To give a happy example, here in Italy, Tong Len at the Bellaria hospital in Bologna is experimenting. This is a fairly new approach that uses distance meditation to benefit the health of cancer patients.

Many neuroscientists have expressed themselves in favor of meditation: it is important to reflect on the fact that we are an inseparable unit that can affect the individual's state of health and how meditation can help restore a state of well-being and balance.

Meditation as a cure for many ailments

Meditating is a training for the mind, for the spirit, a workout that is good for the heart and therefore also for the physical. A person who meditates will manage to have a better management of emotions, will suffer less stress and will feel less and less "detached" from things and people.

The greater the concentration capacity becomes, the strength, vitality, resistance to pain, fatigue and disease increases . Who meditates takes care of the breath, which becomes more and more aware every day, bringing a better sleep, therefore more joy to the days.

While meditating the body produces substances and hormones that are good for the mood, the immune defenses are strengthened and one feels in a state of well-being. Inosmma, meditating is a natural medicine, for the physical and for the psyche.

For whom meditation is thought

As Osho wrote: "What I do is very simple, common; there is nothing spiritual or sacred. I don't want to make you saints, I just want you to be healthy, normal, intelligent, joyful people, dancing and celebrating. " This is the meaning of meditation. To meditate one must not believe or believe in something, everyone can meditate, everyone has significant benefits.

It is a simple practice, which requires only a little time to understand how important it is to take care of oneself also on a mental and spiritual level, not just physical. Therefore meditating is for everyone, adults, children, atheists, Christians or Muslims, the important thing is to be aware of how much positive there is in doing this on a regular basis.

The law in Italy and abroad

Italy in experimentation is the practice Tong Len at the Bellaria hospital in Bologna . This is a fairly new approach that uses distance meditation to benefit the health of cancer patients.

Many neuroscientists have expressed themselves in favor of meditation: it is important to reflect on the fact that we are an inseparable unit that emotions can influence the individual's state of health and how meditation can help restore a state of well-being and balance. In the east meditating is a practice that is part of life itself: India, Japan, China, Tibet and many other countries still have maintained ancient traditions and schools of meditation .

In the West the meditative practice has been practiced since the sixties, when the first schools and centers of oriental cultures or yoga began to spread and in some countries, such as Germany, Holland and Great Britain, it is a very well received practice.

Associations and reference bodies

In Italy there are various meditation groups, often linked to centers of oriental culture or to various schools of yoga. Some of the groups are: from Rome, various meditation groups on a map, or a center on transcendental meditation in Milan or at various Buddhist centers in Italy.

Our meditation cards

Do not think that meditation should be fixed and binding. Meditation is an inner state that can also be experienced in daily actions, indeed, that could be the ultimate goal. To arrive at this stage, however, it is useful to practice with discipline, even under the guidance of a teacher or a teacher at the beginning, someone to guide us towards inner silence.

There are many types of meditation. There are dynamics like those of Osho, for example. Meditation, whatever the technique, allows you to make space and open up the possibility of a serenity that can accompany us throughout the day. Awareness in the present makes us present and alive. This also allows us to be with others in a different way. We would like these cards to function as a stimulus and impulse to get better, to seek, to love and know each other more.

Learn more about the subject with articles written by our professionals

> Meditation, how to start

> Where to meditate in Italy

> Meditation in pregnancy to prevent pain

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